Forest simulation models in Slovakia: main developments and challenges WG1 Marek Fabrika, Katarina Merganicova, Jaroslav Jankovic COST ACTION FP0603: Forest models for research and decision support in sustainable forest management 1st Workshop and Management Committee Meeting. Institute of Silviculture, BOKU. 8-9 of May 2008 Vienna, Austria
Main features of Slovak forests Forest cover (total/share): ha/ 41 % of land Growing stock, annual growth and cuts: mil. m 3, 11.7 mil m 3 y -1, 70% of the annual growth is cut Main species: Fagus silvatica 31.2%, Picea abies 26.1%, Quercus robur & petraea 10.9%, Pinus silvestris & nigra 7.2%, Carpinus betulus 5.7%, Abies alba 4%, other deciduous 11.4%, other coniferous 3.5% Main non-wood products and services: soil protection, water source protection, hunting, biodiversity, recreation Main risks: wind, ips typographus, snow, air pollution, drought, lymantria dispar, rime, forest fires (with descending order of occurrence) Management and silvicultural characteristics: Plenty of unmanaged forests- Low profitability of timber (33%) High value of some non-timber services shelterwood (57.8%), clear cut (32.2%), selection and purpose-made cut (10%) Complex forests: mixed and irregular
Forest modelling approaches and trends Empirical models The trend has been towards individual tree-level modelling due to the site (climate and soil) conditions of forests and silvicultural systems. Tree level models exist for the main species: spruce, fir, pine, beech and oak. Structure generator and site condition generator is developed in order to implement individual-tree models with stand-level data. Recent research is concentrating in: Modelling regeneration Modelling risk Modelling water transpiration Web-based and GIS-based forest information system integrated with forest model
Mechanistic models Slovak model has not been yet developed in Slovakia the biogeochemical model BIOME-BGC has been used for the simulation of virgin forests of Babia hora, the data from these forests were used for the validation of the model self-initialisation spinup procedure and incorporation of the dynamic mortality submodel References: Merganičová K., 2004: Modelling forest dynamics in virgin and managed forest stands. Dissertation thesis, BOKU Vienna, 155pp. Hasenauer H., Merganičová K., Pietsch S.A., 2005: Modeling biogeochemical cycles within old-growth forest ecosystems. For. Snow Landsc. Res. 79, 1/2: Forest modelling approaches and trends
Modelling non-timber products and services Models have not been yet developed in Slovakia
Models for predicting risk of hazards Complex model for modelling risk of hazards: wind, snow, rime, drought, bark beetles and timber borers, defoliators and other insects, wood destroying fungi, air pollutions, forest fires and illegal cuttings – model is based on factor analysis, regression analysis, Monte Carlo method, planar geometry and fuzzy based rules: Fabrika, M., Vaculciak, T.: Modeling of incidental cuttings in tree growth model SIBYLA. In: Deutscher Verband forstlicher Forschungsanstalten – Sektion Ertragskunde, Jahrestagung Mai 2007, Alsfeld-Eudorf, s p. Fabrika, M., Vaculciak, T.: Modeling of natural hazards in tree growth model SIBYLA. In: Strelcova, K., Skvarenina, J. & Blazenec, M. (eds.): “Bioclimatology and natural hazards”, International Scientific Conference, Polana nad Detvou, Slovakia, September 17-20, 2007, ISBN , 9 p.
Simulators and information systems Individual tree level simulator SIBYLA, Simulator of forest Biodynamics for Slovak forests ( - english version of web-page is in phase of translation Information system integrated with forest growth simulator SIBYLA Cartographer – GIS based information system integrated with forest growth simulator SIBYLA Web-based Information System of Technical University Enterprise in Zvolen (
Research highlight The model SIBYLA is parametrised for Slovak and German conditions (basic modelling approach come from model SILVA2.2 by Pretzsch et al.) But model is applicable also for Czech conditions, Austria conditions and eventually for Polish and Hungarian conditions (of course after validation and possible calibration)
Future challenges How to implement forest simulators into national forest inventory systems for forest updating and regular model validation and calibration How to utilise sophisticated inventory methods for individual tree data collection: terrestrial and aerial laser scanning, hyper spectral images and remote sensing data with high resolution How to implement new computer science technology in simulations: high parallel computing and grid computing, virtual reality in virtual cave and virtual sphere, OLAP analysis and data mining methods, web services How to integrate process based modelling approaches and principles of structural modelling for more detailed simulations How to calculate and quantify value of non-timber products and services Demonstrating the potential of models and simulators and direct using in e-learning process
Innovative references Fabrika, M.: Virtual forest stand as a component of sophisticated forestry educational systems. Journal of Forest Science, 49, 2003 (9), p Fabrika, M., Durský, J.: Algorithms and software solution of thinning models for SIBYLA growth simulator. Journal of Forest Science, 51, 2005 (10), p Fabrika, M.: Implementation of GIS and model SIBYLA in a spatial decision support system for forest management. In: Global Change Issues in Developing and Emerging Countries, Proceedings of the 2 nd Goettingen GIS and Remote Sensing Days 2006, 4 th to 6 th October, Goettingen, Germany, Edited by Kappas, M., Kleinn, Ch. and Sloboda, B., Universitaetsverlag Goettingen 2007., p Surovy P., Fabrika, M., Daenner, M, Schulz, R., Lanwert, D., Sloboda, B.: Kartografer - tool for supporting the management of forest landscape linking GIS and an individual tree growth simulator. In: Global Change Issues in Developing and Emerging Countries, Proceedings of the 2 nd Goettingen GIS and Remote Sensing Days 2006, 4 th to 6 th October, Goettingen, Germany, Edited by Kappas, M., Kleinn, Ch. and Sloboda, B., Universitaetsverlag Goettingen 2007., p Fabrika, M., Vaculciak, T.: Modeling of incidental cuttings in tree growth model SIBYLA. In: Deutscher Verband forstlicher Forschungsanstalten – Sektion Ertragskunde, Jahrestagung Mai 2007, Alsfeld-Eudorf, s p.