Systems Theory of Communication By: Melody Franz
Theories about relationships can provide: ◦ Descriptions ◦ Explanations ◦ Predictions Systems Theory focuses on how relationships operate and key dynamics of interaction.
Systems Theory: A system is a group of interrelated elements that interact in ways that influence one another and the system as a whole. Personal relationships are systems, because they involve interacting parts that affect one another. 4 Insights…
Systems Theory: Insight #1 Parts of relationships influence one another. Personal relationships involve interdependence between partners Partners are parts of a system They are interrelated and affect each other
Insight #1 Diagram I affect you, and you affect me. We are interdependent.
Systems Theory: Insight #2 All aspects of personal relationships must be understood within their context. Parts of a system are interrelated, so… One cannot understand any part removed from the whole Must consider all interlinked parts of relationship in context
Insight #2 Diagram Like a car engine, you cannot fully understand one part without considering how all the parts work together in the system.
Systems Theory: Insight #3 o Personal relationships are organized wholes. Individuals are more than the sum of their parts What is the something more? The interaction between individuals When any part of the system changes, the whole system changes
Insight #3 Diagram If you change any one ingredient… then the whole recipe changes!
Systems Theory: Insight #4 Relationships strive for but cannot maintain complete balance or stability. Partners develop routines and rituals (linked to development of relational cultures) to try to achieve order, shared meaning, and stability Relationships continuously change, so… Stability cannot be maintained!
Insight #4 Diagram Stability Change
Personal Relationships… 1) Have interdependent parts 2) Must be understood in context 3) Are organized wholes 4) Strive for but cannot maintain balance or stability
Systems Theory Highlights the interrelated and contextual character of personal relationships and the constant tension between striving for stability and accommodating to change.
Systems Theory in Small Group Context Systems Theory in Small Group Context General Systems Theory General Systems Theory Systems Theory of Communication Systems Theory of Communication
References Baxter, L. (1987). Symbols of relationship identity in relationship cultures. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 4: Guerrero, L. K., Andersen, P. A., & Afifi, W. A. (2007). Close encounters: Communication in relationships (2nd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage. Wood, J. T. (2000). Relational communication: Continuity and change in personal relationships (2 nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.