Flexibility By: Gilda Rocher California State University Los Angeles
What is flexibility? Flexibility can be defined as the range of motion of a joint or a series of joints that are influenced by muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, and bony structures.
What are some factors that affect flexibility? The range of motion or flexibility is highly specific to the joint and depends on the joint structure. The tightness of soft tissue structures Age also affects flexibility
"How important is maintaining flexibility for an individual?" A decrease in flexibility has been linked to several musculotendionous problems including the Achilles tendon, plantar fascia, hamstrings, low back and iliotibial band tightness efficient performance of athletic skills elderly to have the necessary mobility for daily living activities
Age, gender, and genetics influence flexibility However, one should attempt to maintain or improve their personal range of motion. This can be accomplished by effectively engaging in flexibility enhancement exercise. Without such exercise, range of motion typically begins to erode in the mid to late twenties.
How do I improve flexibility? repetitive performance of a particular skill. engage in exercise which can safely and effectively increase the range of motion of the major joints. engaging in a safe and progressive stretching program
By engaging in a properly designed strength training program which strengthens both agonist and antagonist muscle groups flexibility can be enhanced. By performing strength training exercises through a full range of motion, the increased resistance used as one gets stronger will place a greater push or pull on the involved muscles groups. This will enhance flexibility.
What are some guidelines for an effective and safe stretching program? a good deal of stretching should be done at the end of the workout, as part of the cool down phase. Do not overstretch into pain but rather feel a stretch in the muscles within one’s level of tolerance
Hold the stretch for seconds. Each muscle group or stretch should be repeated 3 times for maximum benefit. Always keep an anterior tilt to the pelvis when stretching the groin and hamstring groups It is important to try to record your stretching progress to insure that the program is in fact maintaining or enhancing range of motion.
Reference American College of Sports Medicine. (1998).Position statement on exercise and physical activity for older adults. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 30(6): Bandy, W. D., (1998). The effect of static stretch and dynamic range of motion training on the flexibility of the hamstring muscles. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 27(4): Bandy, W. D., (1997). The effect of time and frequency on static stretching on flexibility of the hamstring muscles. Physical Therapy. 77(10):