Brief Task: Prepare a national consumer promotion aimed to increasing of consumption, brand preferences and perception of product quality. Goal: An increase in attributes “Drinks regularly” compared to the level during three months prior to the promotion (by regular quantitative test). Increase of sales volume compared to the previous year (by real sales results). Improve the perceived quality of Kozel beer.
Idea Afford a Kozel (buck) beer, Kozel affords you! Promotion aimed direct to increase of consumption – send 30 competition caps (with special printing) and win unique prizes. Prizes supported perceiving of product quality: –limited edition of porcelain beer pots for fastest participants –100x voucher ( “Beer passport”) for free of charge beer for 1 year Point-of-sales support, web pages, TV/radio campaign, personal support in some risky regions.
Results Almost competitive parcels. Average 46 caps (purchased bottles) per respondent. Very good quantitative and qualitative results (We don’t hold authorization for publication of concrete sales results).