Physics 1402: Lecture 35 Today’s Agenda Announcements: –Midterm 2: graded soon … »solutions –Homework 09: Wednesday December 9 Optics –Diffraction »Introduction to diffraction »Diffraction from narrow slits »Intensity of single-slit and two-slits diffraction patterns »The diffraction grating
Fraunhofer Diffraction (or far-field) Incoming wave Lens Screen
Fresnel Diffraction (or near-field) Incoming wave Lens Screen P (more complicated: not covered in this course)
Experimental Observations: (pattern produced by a single slit ?)
First Destructive Interference: (a/2) sin = ± /2 sin = ± /a m th Destructive Interference: (a/4) sin = ± /2 sin = ± 2 /a Second Destructive Interference: sin = ± m /a m=±1, ±2, … How do we understand this pattern ? See Huygen’s Principle
So we can calculate where the minima will be ! sin = ± m /a m=±1, ±2, … Why is the central maximum so much stronger than the others ? So, when the slit becomes smaller the central maximum becomes ?
Phasor Description of Diffraction Can we calculate the intensity anywhere on diffraction pattern ? = = N / 2 = y sin ( ) / = N = N 2 y sin ( ) / = 2 a sin ( ) / Let’s define phase difference ( ) between first and last ray (phasor) 1st min. 2nd max. central max. (a/ sin = 1: 1st min.
Yes, using Phasors ! Let take some arbitrary point on the diffraction pattern This point can be defined by angle or by phase difference between first and last ray (phasor) The arc length E o is given by : E o = R sin ( /2) = E R / 2R The resultant electric field magnitude E R is given (from the figure) by : E R = 2R sin ( /2) = 2 (E o / ) sin ( /2) = E o [ sin ( /2) / ( /2) ] I = I max [ sin ( /2) / ( /2) ] 2 So, the intensity anywhere on the pattern : = 2 a sin ( ) /
Other Examples What type of an object would create a diffraction pattern shown on the left, when positioned midway between screen and light source ? A penny, … Note the bright spot at the center. Light from a small source passes by the edge of an opaque object and continues on to a screen. A diffraction pattern consisting of bright and dark fringes appears on the screen in the region above the edge of the object.
Resolution (single-slit aperture) Rayleigh’s criterion: two images are just resolved WHEN: When central maximum of one image falls on the first minimum of another image sin = / a min ~ / a
Diffraction patterns of two point sources for various angular separation of the sources Resolution (circular aperture) min = 1.22 ( / a) Rayleigh’s criterion for circular aperture:
EXAMPLE A ruby laser beam ( = nm) is sent outwards from a 2.7- m diameter telescope to the moon, km away. What is the radius of the big red spot on the moon? a. 500 m b. 250 m c. 120 m d. 1.0 km e. 2.7 km min = 1.22 ( / a) R / = 1.22 [ / 2.7 ] R = 120 m ! Earth Moon
Two-Slit Interference Pattern with a Finite Slit Size I diff = I max [ sin ( /2) / ( /2) ] 2 Diffraction (“envelope” function): = 2 a sin ( ) / I tot = I inter. I diff Interference (interference fringes): I inter = I max [cos ( d sin / ] 2 smaller separation between slits => ? smaller slit size => ? The combined effects of two-slit and single-slit interference. This is the pattern produced when 650-nm light waves pass through two 3.0- mm slits that are 18 mm apart. Animation
Example The centers of two slits of width a are a distance d apart. Is it possible that the first minimum of the interference pattern occurs at the location of the first minimum of the diffraction pattern for light of wavelength ? d a a 1st minimum interference: d sin = /2 1st minimum diffraction: a sin = The same place (same ) : /2d = /a a /d = No!
Application X-ray Diffraction by crystals Can we determine the atomic structure of the crystals, like proteins, by analyzing X-ray diffraction patters like one shown ? A Laue pattern of the enzyme Rubisco, produced with a wide-band x-ray spectrum. This enzyme is present in plants and takes part in the process of photosynthesis. Yes in principle: this is like the problem of determining the slit separation (d) and slit size (a) from the observed pattern, but much much more complicated !
Determining the atomic structure of crystals With X-ray Diffraction (basic principle) 2 d sin = m m = 1, 2,.. Crystalline structure of sodium chloride (NaCl). length of the cube edge is a = nm. Crystals are made of regular arrays of atoms that effectively scatter X-ray Bragg’s Law Scattering (or interference) of two X-rays from the crystal planes made-up of atoms