‘Iole o Mãnoa Mouse of Mãnoa
Team Members Jeff Fines Designer, Fabricator, Programmer & Thomas Matsushima Designer, Fabricator, Programmer
Overview We will be designing and fabricating small robotic mouse. The mouse will be programmed to find the center of a 16 x 16 maze.
Approach Typical Design –Two Stepper Motors –Side IR Sensors –Rabbit Microprocessor –MOSFETs –Switching Voltage Regulator Design Goal –Keep it Simple –Make it Reliable Switching Voltage Regulator IR Sensor Stepper Motor MOSFET Rabbit Microprocessor
Potential Problems Chassis Design –Fitting Everything –Fabrication Errors Sensor Issues –Ambient Light Interference –Calibration Error Programming Issues –Code Errors –Hardware/Software Implementation Errors Time –Not Enough
Areas of Knowledge Increase Circuit Design –MOSFETs –Voltage Regulators –Analog/Digital Converters –Transistors Program Design –Processor Programming –Maze Solving Algorithms –More Command of C HTML Design –Familiarized with HTML Time Management
Deliverable Goals We will design and fabricate a micromouse that can consistently and quickly navigate to the center of a maze.