Class Slides Set 16D Other Changes Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 9th ed., p. 136
Other changes... longer periods of pregnancy... and longer periods of childhood and adolescence...
Other changes... longer periods of childhood and adolescence have correspondingly prolonged periods of dependence...
Other changes... prolonged periods of dependence mean that learned behavior plays an increasingly important part of life
Glossary CULTURE = learned behavior... that is passed on from generation to generation
Other changes... Apes’ Future? -- poaching and decimation of native habitats may result in ape extinction except in zoos and labs
Guenons (monkeys) for sale in bushmeat market Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 9th ed., p. 136 gorillas-congo.html
reproductive strategies ”r” ”k” oysters rabbits apes 500,000,000/yr 12/yr 1/5 yrs Lucy, pp
but how does an “extreme K” reproductive strategy relate to the possibility of extinction in native habitats?
interrelationships of major items in primate groups
Humankind Emerging, 7th ed., p. 275 Positive Feedback Systems.
Humankind Emerging, 7th ed., p. 521 Positive Feedback Systems.
Glossary antihomeostasis
Glossary preadaptation – development of features in one environment which also happen to be more appropriate in a future environment
chimps and humans share 98% of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
other things (plants and animals) are developing along with hominids and apes
Other changes... trend: multiple single births
Major areas of change pay special attention to the following major areas of change as you read the text...
Major areas of change bipedal walking stereoscopic vision grasping hand brain development language and speech hunting tool manufacture art and ritual agriculture other culture adaptations
Special Skills Used to Study Early Humans In the Field Continue on to Set # 10ASet # 10A