Figure 22.0 Title page from The Origin of Species
Figure 22.1 The historical context of Darwin’s life and ideas
Figure 22.2 Fossils of trilobites, animals that lived in the seas hundreds of millions of years ago
Figure 22.3 Formation of sedimentary rock and deposition of fossils from different time periods
Figure 22.4 Strata of sedimentary rock at the Grand Canyon
Figure 22.5 The Voyage of HMS Beagle
Figure 22.6 Galápagos finches
Figure 22.7 Descent with modification
Figure 22.8 Overproduction of offspring
Figure 22.9 A few of the color variations in a population of Asian lady beetles
Figure Camouflage as an example of evolutionary adaptation
Figure 22.11a Artificial selection: cattle breeders of ancient Africa
Figure 22.11b Artificial selection: diverse vegetables derived from wild mustard
Figure Evolution of insecticide resistance in insect populations
Figure Evolution of drug resistance in HIV
Figure Homologous structures: anatomical signs of descent with modification
Table 22.1 Molecular Data and the Evolutionary Relationships of Vertebrates
Figure Different geographic regions, different mammalian “brands”
Figure The evolution of fruit fly (Drosophila) species on the Hawaiian archipelago
Figure A transitional fossil linking past and present
Figure Charles Darwin in 1859, the year The Origin of Species was published
Figure 22.x1 Darwin as an ape
Figure 22.x2 Georges Cuvier
Figure 22.x3 Charles Lyell
Figure 22.x4 Jean Baptiste Lamarck
Figure 22.x5 Alfred Wallace