BYU Craigslist Alerter Oliver Nina, Meher Shaikh Andrew Zitzelberger.


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Presentation transcript:

BYU Craigslist Alerter Oliver Nina, Meher Shaikh Andrew Zitzelberger

Motivation People want to spend less money Craigslist has become popular We want to find ads fast and effortless We don't want to read every ad

The Challenge

Our Solution A system that can read the ads It will find the ads we want We will get notified by The will link to the ads


Description AskOntos Craigslist Crawler Ontos tool Sparql Mailer

Craigslist Crawler A python script Crawls every ad given a link Creates one single page with all ads It crawls only the a depth of 1 Could work in any OS

From AskOntos to Form AskOntos selects an ontology We look study the ontology selected We create a form based on the ontology We translate form input into sparql We run the selected processes

Conclusion Our prototype is a proof of concept Our systems allows free form queries It is targeted for novice and experts Simple, and efficient Handles multiple domains

Future Work Work on the php script Save alert requests Comparison against similar systems Create a product to be sold Get rich and famous

Acknowledgments Dr. Liddle for php script Dr. embley direction and ideas Andrew for helping with BYU tools Everyone for their ontologies
