E-science grid facility for Europe and Latin America EELA-2 and beyond it Bernard M. Marechal EELA-2 Project Coordinator CETA-CIEMAT (Madrid - Spain) & UFRJ (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) Philippe Gavillet EELA-2 Deputy Project Coordinator CETA-CIEMAT (Madrid - Spain) & CERN
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Key Words Grid: Multi-CPU Computing model that provides the ability to perform high throughput computing with large storage capabilities e-Infrastructure: Distributed Grid infrastructure e-Science: Global collaborative scientific research, usually based on an e-Infrastructure JRU: Joint Research Unit aggregates research institutions in a country Its coordinator represents the country in EELA-2 NGI: National Grid Initiative
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Outline What is the Grid? Networks: the Grid blood / nerves! The EELA-2 project: objectives and results How to join EELA-2? Is there life after EELA-2? The LGI model
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Clusters Advance Clusters over 70% Symmetric Multiprocessing Massively Parallel Processing
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Rack-mounted Supercomputing Cluster Management “frontend” Tape Backup robots I/O Servers typically RAID fileserver Disk Arrays Lots of Worker Nodes A few Headnodes, gatekeepers and other service nodes
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo The Grid: networked data processing centres and ”middleware” software as the “glue” of resources. Researchers perform their activities regardless geographical location, interact with colleagues, share and access data Scientific instruments and experiments provide huge amount of data The Grid Paradigm
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo The Grid is a set of computer resources spread all over the world that are shared by a user community under specific constraints. The grid concept arose from the following considerations: - Many CPU & storage resources are unused overnight or for variable amount of time - Modern scientific projects data processing require intensive computation - Modern PCs offer very high level performances at low cost - Nearly every computer is connected to Internet and has access to all other computers in the net Therefore interconnecting a large amount of computers (virtually all the computers in the world) that run specialized managing software, the so called middleware, one can setup a Computational Grid Infrastructure thus creating an extremely powerful virtual computing environment where every institution and individual may subscribe and run complex software packages. Nowadays Grid Infrastructures are widely supporting global collaborative research known as e-Science. What the Grid is
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo GRIDMIDDLEWAREGRIDMIDDLEWARE CPU - Memory - Disc - Input/Output The present, … The Grid Revolution
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo …the future: The Grid! virtual services virtual services virtual services virtual services The Grid Revolution
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo The “Global” Network Coverage
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo The “Global” Grid Coverage
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo EELA major Outcomes and Results Provide European researchers early access to a new, well- supported e-Infrastructure and enable them to speed up the processing of scientific data Strengthen scientific communities in Europe and Latin America Successful building of a reliable and almost “production quality” e-Infrastructure in Latin America Grid technology skills acquired to autonomously support the Latin American Grid on the long term Entrance and consolidation of Latin American communities in worldwide collaborations Amplification of the e-Infrastructures relevance, blazing the trail towards Latin American e-Science initiatives and/or NGIs
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo EELA in numbers –21 partners from 10 countries (7 in Latin America and 3 in Europe), including 2 international organisations (CERN and CLARA) –EC support: 1.7 MEuro for 2 years –Additional CIEMAT funds (400 KEuro) for Latin America –4 Work Packages (Management; Pilot Test-bed operation and support; Support of applications; Dissemination activities) –1700 CPUs; 500,000 jobs successfully executed, i.e. 500 CPUs.year delivered to EELA users –15 applications deployed on the EELA infrastructure –18 tutorials (about 700 participants enrolled, i.e participants.day) –2 EELA Grid schools (Concept of Stand-alone Grid; 30 students deployed 12 applications in 2 X 10 days)
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo EELA-2 Objectives and Approach EELA-2 Objectives –Set up a high capacity, production quality, scalable Grid Facility –Ensure round-the-clock, worldwide access to distributed computing and storage resources –Support a wide spectrum of applications for both European and Latin American scientific communities, industry and commerce –Provide empowered Grid facility with versatile services fulfilling all application requirements –Ensure long-term sustainability of the e-Infrastructure beyond the term of the project (from 2010 onward) EELA-2 Approach –Expand the current EELA infrastructure –Collaborate with NRENs and create Regional Operation Centres –Support actively the creation of National Grid Initiatives (NGI) –Propose a model for a Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI)
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo EELA-2 Countries / Resources France Ireland Italy Portugal Spain Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia CLARA (International) Cuba Ecuador Mexico Peru Venezuela 14 Countries 16 Partners (9 JRUs) 53 Members URUGUAY ?
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo EELA-2 in numbers –16 JRU-type partners (6 from Europe, 9 from LA and 1 International Institution CLARA) in 14 countries (5 from Europe, 9 from Latin America) –53 institutions, most of them clustered in 9 Joint Research Units (JRU) –EC support of about 2.1 MEuro (+ 300 KEuro from CIEMAT) –6 Activities (Management, Dissemination and training; Application support; Infrastructures services; Network resource provision; Development of services for applications and infrastructure) –30 Resource Centres; 3000 computing nodes; 700 TB of storage –Foreseen growth over the project duration: 20 % in computing and 15% in storage –About 50 applications selected (Biomedical, High Energy Physics, Earth Sciences, Climate, e-Learning, e-Government, e-Industry)
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo EELA-2 Infrastructures
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Legend: EOC: EELA-2 Operations Centre OOD: Operator-on-Duty team EELA-2 Infrastructure Architecture
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo EELA-2 Operations Centre (EOC) (eoc.eu-eela.eu) Core services deployed and pledged resources installed ramping up. Production service available!
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo The EELA-2 Network Infrastructure
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Multi-domain Monitoring Environment Based on perfSONAR (collaboration with EGEE-III and RINGrid) Web service oriented Each NREN has its own monitoring system Time series can be accessed in a uniform way Integration of the ENOC in the EOC by Q1 2009
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo General MoU on Grid Interoperability Have agreed so far: EELA-2 EDGeS Project SEE-GRID-SCI Project UTIC Laboratory (Tunisia) Memorandum of Understanding available at:
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Survey: Application Domains Biomedicine: 45% HEP: 14% Earth Sciences: 14%
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Survey: Applications per Country BR: 29% ES: 27% CL: 8% AR=FR=MX=PT: 6%
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Survey: Potential Impact (1) Scientific: –Consensus that the Grid model is (will be) useful and should open new perspectives for Applications. Social: –Half of Applications will have positive outcomes socially Biomedicine: HEP: It induces social benefits, but delayed beyond the project time scale (e.g. Hadron therapy) Earth Sciences: Comment: Running Biomedicine & Earth sciences Applications on EELA-2 will substantially contribute to enhance their socially useful results (higher accuracy of predictions, diagnosis, rates)
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Industry: –A rather large fraction of Applications is claimed to induce Industry spin- offs. Arguments are: Biomedicine Induce better medical methods for observation, diagnosis, therapy / new tools General feeling: By nature results should interest industry, but no clear link yet HEP: Grid boosts simulation studies, leading to more efficient detector R&D in collaboration with Industry. Earth Sciences: Enhance forecasts (seismic, weather,..) for agriculture, industry activities Comments: In fact, basically NO industry sector concerned by EELA-2 Applications is currently using a Grid model. Studies are outsourced to University teams (through University-Industry contract) which use a Grid for higher efficiency (faster, more accurate results) Challenge is to get Industry (especially SMEs) to use the EELA Grid. Survey: Potential Impact (2)
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Some examples: WISDOM Problem Addressed –Wide In-Silico Docking Of Malaria is a deployment of a high-throughput virtual screening platform in the perspective of in-silico drug discovery for neglected diseases –The in-silico docking is faster and much cheaper than the experimental docking, which is restricted to the most successful ligands obtained after the simulation process LA Interest –Collaboration is started in the analysis of new targets for malaria. ULA (Venezuela) has selected new targets of Plasmodium Vivax which have been included in large-scale docking experiments
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo SegHidro aims at improving water management in the North-East of Brazil (a semi-arid region) 15-days forecast = 23hours in a 10-nodes cluster (Double Intel Xeon 2.4GHz) Some examples: SegHidro
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Simulation of fire growth over complex topologies Some examples: CROSS-Fire
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo –A non-invasive diagnosis tool; –Allows a better comprehension of important cardiac diseases, such as Ventricular Arrhythmia, Myocarditis, Chagas Disease, Diabetes, etc. –Helps to quantify the cardiac response to drugs. Some examples: HeartSim
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo How to collaborate with EELA-2 ?
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Collaborate with, or Join, EELA-2 ? The new institution(s) will be asked to fill a survey ( and then If the country already hosts an EELA-2 Joint Research Unit (JRU) – The new institution(s) will be asked to fill a survey ( eela.eu/survey/) and to contact the EELA-2 JRU Coordinator in the country to get in on, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) eela.eu/survey/ If the country hosts a single partner of EELA-2 or the country is new (i.e. there is no EELA-2 partner in it) – Direct contact will be established between the new Institution(s) and the EELA-2 Management – If it applies, the EELA-2 single partner in the country will be involved in the discussions – If, in a non-EELA-2 country, several institutions are willing to collaborate with (or join) the Project, they will be asked to create a JRU, signing a MoU
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo no legal statusA Joint Research Unit (JRU) is a partnership (no legal status) between entities of the same nationality and meeting the following conditions: –scientific and economic unity (internal MoU in place); –lasting a certain length of time (not linked to a particular project); –recognised by a public authority (minister, secretary of state, etc.). See some examples at: – Joint Research Unit (JRU)
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) legalIt’s a legal Organisation that –Integrates all Grid Institutions in the country and federates under its Grid Operation Centre (GOC) all their RCs in a National Grid (GridNGI) –Has the mandate to represent its national Grid community in all matters falling within the scope of a possible Continental Grid Initiative –Is the only organisation having the mandate described in the previous point for its country and thus provides a single contact point at national level –Nominates a representative duly authorised to deliberate, negotiate and decide on all matters falling within the mandate of a Possible Grid Initiative
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Possible structure of a NGI in LA A strong liaison with the NREN must be established. Local conditions permitting, NGI and NREN can merge into a single entity.
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Long-term Sustainability EELA EELA-2 ? 4/2008-3/2010 1/ /2007 4/2010 →
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo The Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) (
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo The Latin American Grid Infrastructure - GridLGI GridLGI is composed, from bottom to top of three layers, each of them including Grid and Network components: –At the lower Institute level: The Resource Centre (RC) is the actual site of the Grid computing resources; The backbone LAN or MAN network connects the Computing and Storage Elements (CE & SE) at the RC site; –At the intermediate national level: The National Grid Initiative (NGI) integrates all Grid Institutions in the country and federates under its Grid Operation Centre (GOC) all their RCs in a National Grid (GridNGI); The underlying National Research & Education Network (NREN) links country-wide the Research and Education Institutes and optimizes / monitors their network activity via its associated Network Operation Centre (NOC); –The upper international layer is made of two entities at the same level: The Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) which brings together all NGIs and supervises the various GridNGIs operation from its Grid Support Centre (GSC); CLARA: Cooperación Latino Americana de Redes Avanzadas that is the WAN network which integrates the Latin American NRENs and supervises the overall RedCLARA network activity by means of its Network Support Centre (NSC).
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo LGI Management/Governance
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo LGI costs in terms of human resources needed
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Conclusions and Outlook (1) EELA was a success, recognised by the highest EC ranking EELA drastically changed the perspectives about e-Science in Latin America The mature grid empowered EELA Test-bed improved scientific collaborations between European and Latin American scientists The first EELA-2 nine months indicate a steep ramp-up of all the Activities and the commission of the production infrastructure will boost the use of the services Long-term sustainability implying extra-funding is a top priority Long-term sustainability of e-Infrastructures worldwide is key for a continued support of scientific communities
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Conclusions and Outlook (2) EELA-2 has defined the model and the architecture of the Latin American Grid Initiative (LGI) similar to the European Initiative (EGI) ones Latin American countries should start as soon as possible the creation of NGIs in close relationships with NRENs EELA-2 know-how could perfectly be “exported” through its powerful and comprehensive Training program (e.g. Grid Schools) –EELA-2 is willing to share resources and knowledge with other institutions from other countries –New collaboration is usually established via MoU
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Conclusions and Outlook (3) Collaborations with EELA-2 via MoUs URUGUAY as “new” EELA-2 partner? –So the Uruguayan institutions/organisations should build a JRU, and eventually a NGI We look forward toWe look forward to –either welcome in EELA-2 –or collaborate with Uruguayan institutions and organisations Uruguayan institutions and organisations
Facultad de Ingeniería - Montevideo Thank you for your attention
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