Protista By Lindsay, Stephanie, and Margaux =]
Protista Defined eukaryotic one- celled living organisms distinct from multicellular plants and animals: protozoa, slime molds, and eukaryotic algae
Characteristics shared by Protists They exist as a single cell Very diverse Classified by nutrition, pigments, carbohydrate food reserves, flagella, cell wall components, and their environments
Phyla of Protista!! Whoo! Phylum Apicomplexa – parasites Phylum Myxozoa - parasites of invertebrates and lower vertebrates Phylum Ciliophora - have cilia, diverse large group
Species of Protists Ciliates Flagellates Oodinium
Bibliography ♥ uglena_400X.jpg uglena_400X.jpg THE END!! WHOO!!