2007 INTERNATIONAL FULBRIGHT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PH.D. PROGRAM 本傅爾布萊特獎助金計劃提供全球 25 名國際學生赴美攻讀科學及科技 領域博士學位。該獎學金之申請辦法與程序說明如下: 申請人資格 1. 申請人需於 2007 年 8 月 1 日前至少獲得以下其中一個領域之學士學 位: · 航空學和天文學 / 航空工程 · 天文學 / 行星科學 · 生物學 · 化學 · 電腦科學 / 工程 · 工程 ( 電機,化學,土木,機械,海洋和石油 ) · 環境科學 / 工程 · 地質學 / 地球和大氣科學 · 資訊科學 / 工程 · 材料科學 / 工程 · 數學 · 神經科學 / 大腦和認知科學 · 海洋學 · 物理學 2. 有效托福成績達 CBT237 分或 iBT 92 分;如無,請出示 2006 年 10 月 以前之報考證明 3. 學士或碩士平均成績至少達 85 分 4. GRE General 成績單;如無,請提供 2006 年 10 月以前之報考證明 5. 研究能力證明 ( 如出版或研究經歷 ) 6. 中華民國公民 獎助項目 1. 學費,資助期限最多為 36 個月 2. 生活費,資助期限最多為 36 個月 3. 健康及意外險 4. 書籍及設備津貼 5. 研究補助 6. 學術會議津貼 7. 旅費補助 8. 課外活動 9. 由美國國際教育協會 (IIE) 安排就讀美國大學 * 三年後,預期由美國大學提供完成博士學位所需之剩餘經費。 得獎人必需以交換學人身份之 J-1 簽證赴美。 申請辦法 請於 2006 年 8 月 15 日前填妥申請資料及備齊相關文件寄至: 陳先生 Science and Technology Award 學術交流基金會 台北市 (100) 泉州街 1-A 號 2 樓 電話 : (02) ext.183 ◆ 線上申請請到下列網址: ◆ 三封推薦函 ◆ 英文能力鑑定證明 ◆ 就學相關紀錄 ◆ 大學部 / 研究所成績單正本一份 ◆ 學位證明書(畢業證書)正本一份 ◆ 中英文簡歷各一份 ◆ 托福, GRE 成績 甄選程序 學術交流基金會甄選小組將選出兩名獎學金候選人,並於 2006 年 9 月 15 日 前轉交美國國際教育協會( IIE )。美國國際教育協會( IIE )在收到來自 各國的推薦人選後,將於 2006 年 10 月 15 日選出最後的 25 名得獎學生,並 於 2006 年 11 月通知所有得獎人。 研發處學術交流組 製
2007 INTERNATIONAL FULBRIGHT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PH.D. PROGRAM Under this program, 25 international students will be awarded Fulbright scholarships for Ph.D. study in the U.S. in science and technology. Details of the award and application procedures follow. Eligibility 1. Completion of at least a bachelor’s degree before Aug. 1, 2007 in one of the following fields: · Aeronautics and Astronomics/Aeronautical Engineering · Astronomy/Planetary science · Biology · Chemistry · Computer Sciences/Engineering · Engineering (electrical, chemical, civil, mechanical, ocean, and petroleum) · Environmental Science/Engineering · Geology/Earth and Atmospheric Sciences · Information Sciences/Engineering · Materials Science/Engineering · Mathematics · Neuroscience/Brain and Cognitive Sciences · Oceanography · Physics 2. A valid TOEFL score of at least CBT237 or iBT92 or evidence of having registered for one before October A grade average at undergraduate or graduate level of at least A valid GRE General score, or evidence of having registered for the GRE before October Evidence of research ability, such as publications or research experience 6. Citizen of Republic of China Benefits* 1. Tuition for up to 36 months 2. Monthly stipend for up to 36 months 3. Health and accident insurance 4. Book and equipment allowance 5. Research allowance 6. Professional conference allowance 7. Travel support 8. Specially tailored enrichment activities 9. Placement in a U.S. university by the Institute of International Education *After 3 years, U.S. universities will be expected to cover the remaining expenses toward completion of the Ph.D. Conditions of Award Must travel to the U.S. under a J-1 visa Application Procedures Submit the application with supplemental forms and supporting documentation listed below by August 15, 2006 to: Mr. Chen Science and Technology Award Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Foundation) 2F., 1-A Chuan Chow St., Taipei Tel: (02) ext. 183 ◆ Online application at ◆ Three Letter of Reference ◆ Report on Proficiency in English ◆ Information Concerning Foreign Student Academic Records ◆ One certified, official record (transcript) from each university or post-secondary institution you attended ◆ Certified, official evidence of each post-secondary or university degree ◆ Detailed curriculum vitae in Chinese and English ◆ TOEFL, and GRE score Selection Procedure Two applications will be selected for nominations by a screening committee organized at the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange. They will be forwarded to the Institute of International Education (IIE) no later than September 15, 2006 to compete with nominations from other countries. The IIE Selection Committee will then select 25 finalists among all the nominated candidates, by October 15, Candidates will be notified of their status by November 2006.