Maine By John
Famous People Symbols SportsSources See if you know your facts Map Landmarks Why would someone come to my state? Pictures history weather
Symbols State Animal Moose State Insect: honeybee State tree: white pine State fish: land-locked salmon State herb: wintergreen State capital: Augusta
George Bush Sr. 41 st President of the Untied States George Bush Sr. has a summer home in Maine.
Ricky Craven is a NASCAR driver.. He came in 12 th this year in points He had 4 top 5 finishes this year.
A.New JerseyNew Jersey B. Bar HarborBar Harbor C. AugustaAugusta D. MooseheadMoosehead
The #1 baseball team in Maine is the Boston Red Sox
The # 1 football team in Maine is the New England Patriots
Maine Maps
Mount Kineo Golf Course
The high tempter in Maine is 105 The low in Maine is -48 The avenge tempter in Maine on the winter is 11.9 The avenge tempter in Maine in the summer is 78.9
Maine was the 23 rd state to be made. Maine is ranked 39 th in population At one time Maine was connected to Massachusetts At one time Maine was connected to Massachusetts.
Sources Harrington, Ty. Maine. Chicago: Children’s Press,1995 Kent, Deborah. Maine. CT: Children’s Press, “Maine.” 50 Online Available. Maine.htm. November 12, “Where to Visit.” Maine Office of Tourism Online Available. November 21, 2005.