Daniel Cebra - Physics Mar-03 Experimental Nuclear Physics at UC Davis PS… Check out our web page at FACULTY: Jim Draper (emeritus) Paul Brady (emeritus) Daniel Cebra Ramona Vogt STAFF: Juan Romero Tom Gutierrez GRAD STUDENTS: Roppon Picha (2005) UNDERGRADS: Nathan Farr David Cherney Stephen Baumgarten Come visit us on the fifth floor - WEST end
Daniel Cebra - Physics Mar-03 Recent Graduates Ian Johnson (2002) Postdoc LBNL Jenn Klay (2001) Postdoc LBNL Mike Heffner (2000) Postdoc LLNL Tom Gutierrez (2000) Postdoc UCD Bill Caskey (1999) Z-World, Davis CA Lynn Wood (1998) Z-World, Davis CA Doug Mayo (1997) Staff Scientist LANL Jason Dunn (1997) Professor - Idaho Christian Isaac Huang (1997) FunMail.com Jack Osbourn (1995) Professor - Sac State Jessica Kintner (1995) Professor - St. Mary’s
Daniel Cebra - Physics Mar-03 What Do We Do?
Daniel Cebra - Physics Mar-03 Basics Hadrons = Made of quarks Baryon = 3 q meson = q q p = uud n = udd + = ud K+ = us
Daniel Cebra - Physics Mar-03 1) Goal: Use relativistic collisions of nuclear to create hot dense matter which reproduces the earliest stages of the universe Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics: Creating Mini-`Big Bangs’ in the Laboratory PS… Check out our web page at ucdavis.edu 2) Now, how do we do this? (In Theory)
Daniel Cebra - Physics Mar-03 3) How do we really do this?
Daniel Cebra - Physics Mar-03 Nuclear Matter Phase Diagram Baryon Density Temperature
Daniel Cebra - Physics Mar-03 How to Take the Temperature Determine the momentum of each ‘track’ Identify the particle type of each track Assume that the particles are emitted from an equilibrated gas Temperatures are measured in the range expected for a QGP transition
Daniel Cebra - Physics Mar-03 The Hottest matter in the Universe Scientists have recently set records for both the highest and lowest measured temperatures. The high temperatures approach those of the early stage of the Big Bang. Room Temperature 300 K Coldest place on Earth 184 K (Vostock Station - Antarctica) Air turns to liquid 73 K Coldest place in the solar system (Triton) 38K Helium turns to liquid 4.2 K Dilution Refrigeration.002 K Magnetic Cooling 90 K Ion Trapping 10 nK (1999) Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions 1.3x10 12 K (2002) Thermonuclear Fusion Device 3x10 6 K The surface of the Sun 5800 K The hottest place in the Solar system (Io) 2000 K The highest recorded temperature on earth (Libya) 330 K Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, New York