Search Heuristic Search vs. Evolutionary Search Prepared by Kirque Leung 18 Mar 05
AI-based creativity research Knowledge-based systems incorporation of expert knowledge in some domains, usually in the form of rules incorporation of expert knowledge in some domains, usually in the form of rules Grammars alternative way of representing knowledge in a particular domain grammar vs. narrative alternative way of representing knowledge in a particular domain grammar vs. narrative grammars embody rules about languages their role in creativity stems from viewing designs or compositions as statements in a language grammars embody rules about languages their role in creativity stems from viewing designs or compositions as statements in a language it concerns the attempt to computationally understand natural languages, or translate between them it concerns the attempt to computationally understand natural languages, or translate between them
Con’t Search The long journey (made speedier via computation) through an immersive space of possibilities in search of something suitable production of space (journey vs. computation) The long journey (made speedier via computation) through an immersive space of possibilities in search of something suitable production of space (journey vs. computation) 2 kinds of search: Heuristic search and evolutionary search 2 kinds of search: Heuristic search and evolutionary search
Heuristic Search A solution, perhaps a design, a schedule or so forth is constructed gradually, bit by bit, with heuristics (rules of thumb) employed to decide ho to choose each successive part Heuristics are used to decide which link to explore next Pretty fuzzy about the next move, it concentrates on exploring areas that are sanctioned by the heuristics in used
Evolutionary Search (Computation) The use of search algorithm a computational problem is defined in terms of a search space, usually viewed as a massive collection of potential solutions to the problem (The process of search = task of navigating that space) (The process of search = task of navigating that space)
Con’t Points closer together in space will also tend to be close in terms of quality, and qualities are derived from the search parameters one move = change in 1 parameter distance in space is related to distance in terms of parameter settings distance in space is related to distance in terms of parameter settings Idea of close-ness Idea of close-ness ES makes use of previously visited solutions to help decide where to look next
Con’t ES doesn ’ t work with 1 solution at a time but a large collection of population of solution at once local search ES doesn ’ t allow evolution but it does show some emergent properties Better solutions are allowed to have “ child ”, and the worse ones to “ die ” imitation of the nature Population control optimization (search for the best) Population control optimization (search for the best) ES searches the space in parallel
Con’t In non-euclidean geometry, objects of smaller size on the tableau do not represent a further distance from us, but showing a sense of spatial interiority