Michelle Smith Instructor: Contact Information:
Syllabus: schedule of lectures, reading assignments, exams Class Web Site Lecture slides Exam results & course grade
MWF 8:30-9:20 am BUDAD A102 Class Time & Location
Monday & Friday 8-8:30 am Instructor’s Office Location & Hours
Please turn it off before arriving to class! Class Policies Attendance: Mandatory Come Prepared: Read assignments Review lecture notes and outlines Cell Phones & Beepers:
This is an introductory biological science course designed for science majors seeking to fulfill part of their science core requirement.
Its objective is to broaden an understanding of organismal biology.
This class is designed for the science major.
Continuation of BIOL 171. Topics include: protists classification higher plant biology fungus diversity characteristics and classification of major invertebrate animal groups vertebrate biology behavior ecological principles
By the end of this course the student should: have an understanding of the characteristics and classification of plants and animals understand the relationships between living things and their environments
EXAMINATIONS: points each Non cumulative 50 multiple choice questions Book questions included on exams Closed book, but allowed 1-sided 3x5 note card Exams require use of new student ID numbers!
Missed Exam Policy No retest unless a legitimate reason Take exam next class time Contact your instructor ( )!
No plus or minus final grades Grading Grade cutoffs: A = above 90% B = 80%-90% C = 70%-80% D = 60%-70% F = below 60%
Cheating Plagiarism See student handbook on conduct code or
Textbook 10 th edition
How to Succeed in this Class Review lecture notes as often as possible. Read the text. Use the text’s CD-ROM Making flashcards for each new vocabulary word presented. Establish study groups and study together. Ask questions.