1 Goals -Short term: – Finish merging the L1 trigger configuration files with the HLT. – When this is done, hopefully I will see that the signal increase for a given fake rate. In this way, we can see that the pixel upgrade is a worthwhile project. - Longer term: – Integrate the Long Barrel Geometry and Phase II definitions. We will have tracking for level 1 taus for the first time. – Look at the HLT in the same manner as above.
2 Tau Finding Algorithm Seed with a single tower: E.g. ET(1)>5 GeV Energy measurement in a 2x2 region (pick the one with highest sum ET): e.g. ET(2x2)>10 GeV Shape requirement in eta-direction: Has to be very local (or will blow up with PU): e.g. Max(ET(3x2)-ET(2x2))< 5
3 Pixel Upgrade Opportunities for Upgrade Remove radiation damage Lower/move mass Bpix Add 4 th layer Move layer 1 closer to IP Alter pitch Fpix Add 3 rd disk Alter disk configuration Streamline sensor design Improved “3 out of 4” pixel seeding has implications for the HLT that are not well understood.
4 HLT Predictions Due to the new pixel tracks, we expect Higher efficiency We will find more tracks pointing to the calorimeter Lower fake rate With the more accurate tracks, we will be able to see if the track is really pointing to our cluster or rather in the isolation region.
5 Requirements at L1 Level 1 – Cluster threshold 2 – Tauseedtower 10 – IsolationTauA – IsolationTauB – Isolation threshold tau 6
Requirements at L2 SLHChltL2TauJets – Unpacks list of taujet EtMin=15 – Iterative cone algorithm with Δr=0.2 SLHChltL2TauNarrowConeIsolationProducer – ECAL isolation, inner cone 0.15, outer cone 0.5 – ECAL clustering, cluster radius 0.08 – Tower Isolation, inner cone 0.2, outer cone 0.5 SLHChltL2TauRelaxingIsolationSelector – MinJetEt 15, isolation Still working through this calculation Jan
Requirements at L2.5 SLHChltL25TauConeIsolation - at least two pixel hits associated with the track conesize.5 - at least 5 hits in total (pixel plus strip) associated with the track - the transverse impact parameter does not exceed 300 μm - the minimum transverse momentum 1 GeV/c - the normalized chi-squared of the track fit below matching cone.2 - signal cone isolation cone minimum transverse momentum in isolation ring 1 GeV/c - maximum number of tracks in isolation ring 0 SLHChltL25TauLeadingTrackPtCutSelector - Min leading track pt > 5 SLHChltL25TauConeIsolation - at least two pixel hits associated with the track conesize.5 - at least 5 hits in total (pixel plus strip) associated with the track - the transverse impact parameter does not exceed 300 μm - the minimum transverse momentum 1 GeV/c - the normalized chi-squared of the track fit below uses a fixed cones size: signal cone 0.15, isolation cone min leading track pt 5.0 SLHChltL25TauConeIsolation - at least two pixel hits associated with the track conesize.5 - at least 5 hits in total (pixel plus strip) associated with the track - the transverse impact parameter does not exceed 300 μm - the minimum transverse momentum 1 GeV/c - the normalized chi-squared of the track fit below uses a fixed cones size: signal cone 0.15, isolation cone min leading track pt 5.0
Requirements at L3 SLHChltL3TauConeIsolation At least 2 pixel hits associated with the track At least five hits in total (pixel plus strip) associated with the track The transverse impact parameter does not exceed 300μm The pt must exceed 1 GeV/c The normalized chi-squared of the track fit below 100 Matching cone 0.2, signal cone 0.15, isolation cone 0.5 0 tracks in isolation ring Min pt in isolation ring 1 Gev/c SLHChltL3TauIsolationSelector – Min pt leading track 5 GeV/c SLHChltL1HLTSingleIsoTau30JetsMatch – Matches to a level 1 tau ΔR < 0.5