1970’s Oil Crisis
Background Information October 1973 OAPEC cuts off exports to the U.S. and other western countries Why? –Arab countries were upset and were punishing the U.S. We support the creation of Israel We supported Israel during the Yom-Kippur wars –They realized they could influence the world through oil
U.S. Response Price of gas quadrupled in just a few months –25 cents to over a dollar –Many gas stations ran out of gas –Drivers waited for up to two hours for gas –Oil consumption dropped over 20% –License plates ending in odd numbers could fill up on odd days –License plates with even numbers could fill up on even days
Other Responses Government response –55 became the max speed limit across the nation –Year round daylight savings was instituted –Tax credits were given to those developing alternative fuels –Nixon ordered that there be a stockpile of oil made –Nixon created the Department of Oil
How does this compare to today?
Ideas To Discuss How would your life change if your family was rationed to 5 gallons of gas/week? Should the U.S. drill for oil in ANWR (Alaska)? Should toward finding alternative fuels? What should be done U.S. Arab relations? Is addicted to oil and if so what would happen if it this happened again?
Your Task 1.Decide on a trip somewhere It can be to where ever you want Must start in Omaha, Nebraska Must cover at least four states 2.What you get Your car gets 20 mile/gallon and can hold 15 gallons You can only get 10 gallons at a time 3.How many miles will it take you to get to where you are going? 4.How many times will you have to fill up with gas? 5.How much will it cost you ($.55/gallon 1974 price)? 6.How much would it cost equivalent to today ($1.45/gallon) 7.How much will it cost you today ($2.70/gallon) 8.How many days would this take, taking into consideration odd and even days?