7 th General Body Meeting: Elections Thursday, April 21, 2011
What’s happening tonight: Event recap Upcoming events Annual Conference External announcements GE Presentation on Professional Etiquette
SWE gear for sale! Swaterbottle: $8 SWE sticker: $2 SWE-shirt: $10 SWE-Polo: $15 SWeatshirts are in!: $27 if you ordered one Questions/interested in purchasing one? Contact: Ashley Vassel Steph Lennon
Regional Conference Volunteers Get your reimbursement for all your hard work today! Please see Morgan
Committee Calendar
Election Results President Andie Maret Vice President Cary Kaczowka Treasurer Stephanie Lennon Secretary Andrea Polanco Corporate Relations Director Ashley Vassell Outreach Director Sammie Garrabrant
Knowledge Source Director Christine Falce Alumni Relations Director Jenny Chan Membership Director Carly-Jeanne Gardiner Publicity Director Kari Shannon Communications Director Erin Hansen Engineering Event Director Cara Apel
Who will guide you through the SWE membership website? Carly! Who will teach 450 children about Engineering during E-week and needs your help? Who wants you to teach Girl Scouts about Liquid Nitrogen and making Flubber? Who will be updating our Swebsite tirelessly for you? Cara! Sammie! Erin!
SWOCIAL! Everyone enjoyed delicious “mocktail” beverages and hors d'oeuvres while they watched Tangled and waited to have their professional portrait taken! Total Attendees: ~30 Pictures Taken: 26 Money Donated to RPI Photo Club!
SWOCIAL! Results….SWEnior SWotos!
Seniors! If you are leaving this year and would like to be added to the alumni list Or if you will continue to be at RPI next year and would like to continue receiving s Please Jenny at
PSEG Plant Tour
Berlin Central Middle School Wednesday, April 6th 25 middle school girls came to RPI Campus tour AML/workshop tours EMPAC tour Lunch panel with RPI SWE members
Girl Scout Engineering Day Saturday, April 23rd, 8am-2pm Walker Labs ~40 Girl Scout Juniors 2 Volunteers needed! Guides Event helpers Contact: Sammie Garrabrant
Celebrate RPI SWE! Contact: Emily Landis Saturday May 7 th 12-1:30pm Location: TBD Invites will be sent to Active Members Features: Awards! Snacks Active Member Buttons
What is this? Bristle Bot! What Middle School came to RPI? Berlin Central!
End of year Survey Contact: Cary Kaczowka Don’t forget to take it! Membership point! To take our survey!
Annual Conference McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois Wed 10/12/11-Sunday 10/16/11 Career Fair with 250 exhibitors! Workshops! Networking! Enter your research poster! Submit Abstract Online June 15 Top 20 $250 to travel and FREE registration ( Volunteer for 50% off registration Scholarship…
Two essays are required to enter – see the RPI SWE website for the essay questions. Entries are due Thursday April 28 th at Midnight. entries to Be sure to include your name, class year, and major in the body of the . Please do not include any identifying information on the essay submission Funds will cover travel and hotel costs Winners will be announced at Celebrate RPI SWE on May 7 th, RPI SWE is offering a scholarship to attend the 2012 Society of Women Engineers Annual Conference in Chicago, IL (October 13-15, 2011)!
Get your name on the RPI SWE Wall of Fame! the following information to Erin by Saturday, May 7 Name Major Leadership Positions Held (if applicable) Other Activities at RPI Life after RPI Your Name Here! Calling graduating seniors! Have you been an RPI SWE officer? Or have you been active for 4 years?
Any announcements?
Preparing for Graduate Studies 7-8pm TONIGHT (April 21) Biotech Auditorium Take a journey with Rachel Ferebee, Material Science and Engineering undergrad class of 2011 Undergraduate research Summer REUs GRE advice
Professional Etiquette with Kiersten Purinton, 2009, Industrial & Management Engineering Anastasia Yapchanyk, 2010, Mechanical Engineering Jessica Reichard, 2001, Mechanical Engineering
Next GBM See you next fall! Remainder of e-board meetings open 4/24 8-9pm Union /1 11am-1pm Union 2424 Fall Planning Meeting 5/8 12-4pm Union 3502 Your Input Here