תרגילים. גדול, קטן, וממוצע מקובץ Imports System.IO Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim readnum As StreamReader readnum = _ My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader.


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Presentation transcript:


גדול, קטן, וממוצע מקובץ Imports System.IO Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim readnum As StreamReader readnum = _ My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader _ (“z:\numbers.txt") Dim input As String Dim t, i, big, num, small, avrage As Decimal i = 0 big = small = Do input = readnum.ReadLine() num = input If num > big Then big = num End If If num Nothing Then small = num End If If num <> 0 Then i += 1 t = t + num End If Loop Until input Is Nothing Dim writenum As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter _ (“z:\answersb.txt") avrage = t / (i) writenum.WriteLine("the largest number is " & big & "the smallest number is " & small & "the avrage of the numbers is " & avrage) writenum.Close() End Sub End Module

גדול, קטן, וממוצע מקובץ יותר טוב Imports System.IO Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim fileReader As StreamReader fileReader = File.OpenText("z:\numbers.txt") Dim Input As String = "" Dim x, sum, big, small, c As Decimal Dim temp As Integer x = fileReader.ReadLine() sum = x big = x small = x c = 1 Do Until Input Is Nothing Input = fileReader.ReadLine() x = Input temp = Input sum += x If (x > big) Then big = x ElseIf ((x 0)) Then small = x End If c += 1 Loop Dim writer As StreamWriter = _ New StreamWriter("z:\answer.txt") writer.WriteLine("The small number is " & small & ".") writer.WriteLine("The big number is " & big & ".") writer.WriteLine("The average is " & sum / (c - 1) & ".") writer.Close() Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

עצרת Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim i, x, mona As Integer Console.WriteLine("enter number") x = Console.ReadLine If x < 0 Then Console.WriteLine("en azeret lemispar shlili") Else mona = 1 For i = 1 To x mona *= i Next End If Console.WriteLine("the azeret is: " & mona) Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

עצרת אחרת Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim x, input, atzeret As Decimal Console.WriteLine("please enter a number") input = Console.ReadLine() atzeret = 1 For x = 1 To input atzeret = atzeret * x Next Console.WriteLine("the atzeret is " & atzeret) Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

עצרת שקשה לי להבין Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim x, i As Integer x = Console.ReadLine For i = 1 To x - 1 x = x * i Next Console.WriteLine(i & " aseret = " & x) Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

Function Max Module Module1 Function Max(ByVal first As Integer, ByVal second As Integer, ByVal third As Integer) As Integer If first > second And first > third Then Return first ElseIf second > first And second > third Then Return second ElseIf third > first And third > second Then Return third End If End Function Sub Main() Dim x, y, z As Integer Console.WriteLine("please enter 3 numberes") x = Console.ReadLine y = Console.ReadLine z = Console.ReadLine Console.WriteLine("the max num is " & Max(x, y, z)) Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

Function Max Module Module1 Function Max(ByVal first As Integer, ByVal second As Integer, ByVal third As Integer) As Integer Dim a, b As Integer a = (first + second) b = (third + second) If first > third Then If first > second Then Return first Else Return second End If Else If second > third Then Return second Else Return third End If End Function Sub Main() Dim x As Integer x = Max(6, 9, 1) Console.WriteLine(" the big number is: " & x) Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

Function Max Module Module1 Function Max(ByVal first As Integer, ByVal second As Integer, ByVal third As Integer) As Integer Dim temp As Integer = first If second >= temp Then temp = second End If If third >= temp Then temp = third End If Return temp End Function Sub Main() Dim x, y, z As Integer Console.WriteLine("Please enter 3 numbers ") x = Console.ReadLine y = Console.ReadLine z = Console.ReadLine Console.WriteLine("Max:" & Max(x, y, z)) Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

ציונים Module Module1 Function Grade(ByVal first As Decimal) As Char If first >= 90 Then Return “A" ElseIf first >= 80 Then Return “B" ElseIf first >= 70 Then Return “C" ElseIf first >= 60 Then Return “D" Else Return “F" End If End Function Sub Main() Dim x As Decimal Console.WriteLine("na lirsom ziyon") x = Console.ReadLine Console.WriteLine("aziyon beotiyot: " & Grade(x)) Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

למה ה MAIN פה בסדר ? Module Module1 Function Grade(ByVal first As Decimal) As Char Dim ot As Char If (first >= 60) And (first <= 69) Then ot = “D" ElseIf (first >= 90) And (first <= 100) Then ot = “A" ElseIf (first >= 80) And (first <= 89) Then ot = “B" ElseIf (first >= 70) And (first <= 79) Then ot = “C" ElseIf (first >= 0) And (first <= 59) Then ot = “F" End If Return ot End Function Sub Main() Console.WriteLine("the grade is :" & Grade(69)) Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

משוואה הריבועית Module Module1 Sub Mishva() Dim a, b, c As Integer Console.WriteLine("na lirsom 3 misparim") a = Console.ReadLine b = Console.ReadLine c = Console.ReadLine If ((b * b) - (4 * (a * c))) > 0 Then Console.WriteLine("tsuba 1: " & (-b + ((b * b) - (4 * (a * c)))) / (2 * a)) Console.WriteLine("tsuba 2: " & (-b - ((b * b) - (4 * (a * c)))) / (2 * a)) Else Console.WriteLine("lo mugdar") End If End Sub Sub Main() Mishva() Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

משוואה הריבועית - פתרון יותר טוב Imports System.Math Module Module1 Sub Mishva() Dim a, b, c As Decimal Dim y, x1, x2 As Single Console.WriteLine("enter 3 number:") a = Console.ReadLine() b = Console.ReadLine() c = Console.ReadLine() y = ((b * b) - 4 * a * c) If (y >= 0) Then x1 = ((-b + Math.Sqrt(y)) / (2 * a)) x2 = ((-b - Math.Sqrt(y)) / (2 * a)) If (a <> 0) Then Console.WriteLine("the answer of x1 is: " & x1) Console.WriteLine("the answer of x2 is: " & x2) Else Console.WriteLine("eror") End If Else Console.WriteLine("eror") End If End Sub Sub Main() Mishva() Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module