HRMS Unit Liaisons November 17, Two-Factor Authentication Update Information for Unit Liaisons Phase 6 MToken distribution (UMHS and Medical School) underway Includes: t Any new M-Pathways user who received access between 10/31/06 & 11/14/06 t Any new M-Marketsite users who recently submitted an Access and Compliance Form Key Dates t 11/14/06 – list generated; postcards mailed t 11/20/06 -- Phase 6 users begin to receive MTokens in campus mail t 11/30/06 -- Reminder message to all Phase 6 users who have not yet activated their MToken t 12/01/06 – with activation code sent to Phase 6 users who have not activated their MToken
HRMS Unit Liaisons November 17, Future MToken Distribution Units incorporate obtaining the MToken into roll-on and roll-off processes New U-M Staff t Ann Arbor: Pick up with new Mcard at Wolverine Tower Mcard/MToken Distribution Center (MDC) after New Employee Orientation or from any MDC t Flint & Dearborn: pick at the MDC on their campus Current U-M staff t Advise current staff (new M-Pathways users transfers or new job responsibilities) to get an MToken from any (MDC) on the Ann Arbor, Hospital, Dearborn, and Flint campuses. ID required. Temp U-M staff t Consider having a small supply of MTokens on hand for temp staff; otherwise send them to an MDC. t Temp staff must activate the MToken. Remember, once an MToken is activated, it is assigned to that individual’s uniqname and may not be used by other staff. Each user must have their own activated MToken. t Terminating access for temp staff: submit an M-1 Cover to remove access, collect the MToken, and contact an MToken Help Desk (MDC) to have MToken unassigned. Use MToken for other staff. Faculty t Optional, but encouraged use of MToken t Pick one up or send someone to MDC to get one; activate and use every time t Faculty who choose not to use an MToken at this time must continue to check the “I don’t have an MToken” box on the Weblogin screen each time they log into Teaching Support.
HRMS Unit Liaisons November 17, Unit Processes for System Access & MTokens Separate processes for requesting and terminating access and activating and inactivating an MToken New staff, current staff (new M-Pathways users), & temp. staff t Unit Liaison: Submit M1 Form(s) to request access. t Staff Member: Obtain an MToken and activate it. M-Pathways user transferring to another U-M unit t Current Unit Liaison: Submit M1-Cover to terminate access. Collect user’s MToken & return to MAIS Access Services or an MDC via campus mail so it can be inactivated. Or allow user to keep MToken if going to a job where it is required. NOTE: A delay in submitting an M1-Cover enables the employee with an MToken to continue to use the access granted in your unit. t New Unit Liaison: Submit M1 Forms to request access in your unit. t Staff member: Retain the MToken if transferring to a job that requires system access, and if the previous unit allows you to do so. The retained MToken will not need to be activated again. Visit an MDC and get a new MToken if previous unit collected yours. Previous MToken users must ask the MDC to activate a new MToken. Terminating Staff and Staff Who No Longer Need Access t Unit Liaison: Submit M1-Cover to delete access. Incorporate collecting the MToken into the unit’s termination process. Return MTokens to MAIS Access Services or an MDC via campus mail so it can be inactivated. NOTE: After a request to delete access has been submitted, there will be a period of time needed to process it. In the meantime, a former staff member with an activated MToken can still use the M-Pathways systems. t Staff: Hand over MToken Staff Members on RIF, Leaves, and Other Situations t Unit Liaison: Delete access when appropriate. Collect MToken when appropriate.
HRMS Unit Liaisons November 17, MToken Resources MToken Web site Activate MTokens List of MDCs & Help Desks Return MTokens MAIS Access Services Any MDC Drop in Campus Mail box