By: Rebekah Douglas
Calculator It was invented by Blaise Pascal. It was worked on in the years of 1642 through A calculator is a small device that calculates perfect answers requiring manual action for each problem.
Sewing Machines Sewing machines were invented in Sewing machines can be used for fixing clothes or making them. Isaac Singer and Elais Hower were the inventers.
Movie Projectors Movie Projectors (or Early Film Devices) were invented in the 1890s. Early film devices were created by inventors all over the world. Thomas Edison was the inventor. It was used with film or to make a movies.
Typewriters Typewriters were used for writing in characters similar to those produced by printers. It was invented by Christopher Lather Sholes. It was patent on June 23, 1868.
Video Cassette A video cassette is a cassette enclosing a length of a tape for a video recording. JVS invented the recorder. It was first used in 1951.
iPad The idea started on April 8,2008. The inventor was Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc. The iPad can be used for apps, internet, books etc.
How Electricity Is Important to Me Electricity is important to me because without it most people would have to do things the old fashioned way and kids aren't used to that. Electricity is important because I use it everyday. Classrooms could not have light without electricity. So many things use electricity it would be hard to let them go. Electricity is used for so many things and I am very grateful.