Music Browser
Web Services SOAP and WSDL Simple Object Access Protocol Web Services Description Language To use SOAP Generate stub classes from the WSDL document Call methods from the stubs to invoke methods of web service (Remote Procedure Invocation)
Web Services REST (Representation State Transfer) Request information by constructing special URLs Receive information in XML format Parse XML
Main Application (MIDlet) AlbumTrackArtist FetchXMLFetchImage DefaultHandler ArtistHandler AlbumHandler TrackHandler Thread LoadArtistsLoadAlbum Thread LoadTracks
Main Points Keep in mind the user and user interface Check the response codes after making a connection Reconnect on failure Follow redirect URL hc.getResponseCode() == HttpConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM hc.getHeaderField("Location“)
Main Application (MIDlet) AlbumTrackArtist FetchXMLFetchImage DefaultHandler ArtistHandler AlbumHandler TrackHandler Thread LoadArtistsLoadAlbum Thread LoadTracks