Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface PERCEPTUAL-MOTOR INTERACTION: SOME IMPLICATIONS FOR HCI WELSH, WEEKS, CHUA, GOODMAN 정보경영공학전문대학원 정보경영공학부 이원표
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface Contents 1. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Behavioral Emphasis [1] Human Information Processing and Perceptual-Motor Behavior [2] Translation, Coding, and Mapping 2. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Attention and Performance [1] Attention ① Characteristics of Attention ② Shifts and Coordinate Systems of Attention ③ Stimulus Characteristics and Shifts of Attention [2] Action-Centered Attention ① The model of response activation ② Attention and action requirements ③ Attention and stimulus-response compatibility 3. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: A Few Examples [1] Remote Operation and Endoscopic Surgery [2] Personal Digital Assistants [3] Eye-Gaze vs. Manual Mouse Interactions
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface 1. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Behavioral Emphasis Human-Computer Interaction(HCI) = Human-Machine Interaction = Perceptual-Motor Interaction HCI has adopted two basic theoretical and analytical frameworks; ① view perceptual-motor interaction in the context of an information- processing model ② used analytical tools that allow detailed investigations of both static and dynamic interactions 3
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface 1. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Behavioral Emphasis [1] Human Information Processing and Perceptual-Motor Behavior Information-processing framework has become a platform for 1) Information capacity of the motor system 2) Motor memory 3) Process of motor learning Information-processing language 1) mental discussion 2) computational operations of the cognitive 3) perceptual-motor system study Information-processing approach * Human: an active processor of information * Behavior: encoding of perceptual information, the manner in which internal psychological subsystems utilize the encoded information and the functional organization of these subsystems. 4
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface 1. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Behavioral Emphasis Heart of human perceptual-system are; -processes of information transmission, translation, reduction, collation, storage, and retrieval Three basic process for human information processing 1) stimulus identification 2) response selection 3) response programming Employing measures of error and speed, Card et al.(1978) - 4 control devices(mouse, joystick, step keys, text keys) - “homing time”: time that it took to engage the control device and initiate movements - “positioning time”: time to complete the cursor movement 5
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface 1. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Behavioral Emphasis Number of important limitations to an exclusive reliance of Fitt’s law 1) Although law predicts movement time, it does not allow for determining what other factors may influence movement time 2) Fitt’s law has diverted attention from the fact that cognitive process involving selection of a potential target from array are important, and time consuming, information processing activity that must precede movement to that target. 3) Although Fitts’ law predicts movement time given a set of movement parameters, it does not actually reveal much about underlying movements itself. 6
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface 1. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Behavioral Emphasis [2] Translation, Coding and Mapping Three basic process for human information processing 1) stimulus identification 2) response selection 3) response programming Translation: seat of the human “interface” between perception and action Stimulus-Response Compatibility -The degree to which a set of stimuli and associated responses are naturall y related to each other. For example, stimulus-response compatibility occurs if, when colored lights and colored balls are presented to a subject, the response required is to hit t he ball of the same color as the flashing light, rather than one of a different c olou. 7
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface [1] Attention 1) Characteristics of Attention (a) attention is selective and allows only a specific subset of information to enter the limited processing system (b) the focus of attention can be shifted from one source of information to another (c) attention can be divided such that one may selectively attend to more that one source of information at a time * Cocktail Party Effect 8 2. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Attention and Performance
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface 2. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Attention and Performance 9 2) Shifts and Coordinate Systems of Attention -Structural analyses of the retinal surface of the eye has revealed 2 distinct receiving areas- the fovea and the perifoveal areas 3) Stimulus characteristics and shifts of attention - exogenous vs endogenous - facilitation and inhibition of return
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface 2. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Attention and Performance Inhibition of Return (IOR) Attention system that are relevant for HCI 1) Time course of the development of the mechanisms underlying these facilitation and IOR effect 2) Facilitation and IOR only occur when attention has been shifted to the location of the cue -2 reasons why target-target ROI effect is important 10
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface 2. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: Attention and Performance [2] Action-centered Attention The majority of the literature reviewed thus far has involved experiments that investigated attentional processes through tasks that employed simple or choice key press actions. (a) key press responses are relatively uncomplicated and provide simple measures of performance, namely reaction time and error (b) by using a simple response, researcher assumes that they have isolated the perceptual and attentional processes of interest from additional, complex motor programming and control processes. 11
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface 3. Perceptual-Motor Interaction: A Few Examples [1] Remote Operation and Endoscopic Surgery Hanna, Shimi, and Cuschieri(1998) examined task performance of surgeons as a function of the location of the image display used during endoscopic surgical procedure. MacKenzie(1999) investigated the benefits of projectoring and superimposing the image from the endoscopic camera directly over the workplace [2] PDA Caution should be urged when implementing design change without due consideration of issues such as S-R compatibility as it has been shown that novices are fairly poor judges of configurations that facilitate the most efficient performance [3] Eye-Gaze vs Manual Interactions 12
Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Korea Univ. Division Information Management Engineering UI Lab. Human Interface Summary 1.HCI offers a rich environment for the study of perceptual-motor interactions 2.Information processing approach 3.As HCI has become not only more effective, but by the same token more elaborate, importance of the interaction between the carious perceptual, cognitive and motor constraints of the human system has come to the forefront 4.We have shifted the focus to current issues in the interaction between attention and action planning 5.What is effective interface? 13