Stimulating undergraduate students’ involvement and interaction through electronic discussion assignments Gisela Redeker University of Groningen
Overview Electronic discussions as a supporting element in teaching Analysis of students’ e-discussions –Content and style –Interaction structure –Relation between participation and grades Questionnaire study on e-discussions –Students’ opinions –Problems students encountered
Electronic Discussions: Uses in undergraduate teaching Stimulate interest and involvement Enhance peer community Stimulate collaborative learning Promote internet skills
Weekly Schedule Orientation Course Monday- take quiz on lecture (study questions) - start on reading assignment TuesdayDiscussion task available WednesdayQuiz on readings available Thursday- 12 noon: disc. contribution 1 due Friday- contribution 2 due - take quiz on readings - 3-5pm Lecture SaturdayLecture notes and quiz on lecture available
Discussion Topics 1.Discuss communication rules in different groups you belong to 2.Discuss the effects of non-verbal communication in a TV interview or discussion on the national elections 3.Berne’s transaction ‘games’ (discuss examples) 4.Describe foreigners’ and your own stereotypes of ‘the Dutch’ and your stereotype of one other nationality 5.The role of the media in the assassination of Pim Fortuyn 6.Discuss a TV commercial of your choice: how does it ‘work’? 7.Are e-discussions ‘mass communication’? Why (not)? 8.Is TV (still) sexist? Discuss (counter?)examples.
Thread 7 Length (number of reactions) = 8 Max. depth = 6
Thread 1 Length (number of reactions) = 14 Max. depth = 4
Corpus of discussions 110 students in eight groups of 8-19 students Discussing eight topics Mandatory: one initiative + one response ca. 1,500 contributions 719 initiatives 327 threads (392 initiatives not replied to)
Length of Threads
Depth of Threads
‘Extra Contributions’ and Course Result
Questionaire Study (Veldman 2002)
E-discussions: Pros and Cons +Permanency +Independence of place +Independence of time +Self-paced (preparation time) –No non-verbal communication –No direct reactions
Students’ opinions
Problems Students Indicated
Mandatory E-Discussions: Useful in undergraduate teaching? Most students participate seriously, even without moderation or grading Students do interact with each other Many students like/enjoy e-discussions Problems are often technical or due to inexperience (i.e., they will decrease)