1 Optically polarized atoms Dmitry Budker UC Berkeley and LBNL Marcis Auzinsh University of Latvia Simon M. Rochester UC Berkeley Textbook to be published by Oxford University Press
2 Goals of the course L earn to analyze situations like this: L earn to analyze situations like this: Survey of interesting topics in AMO (student presentations) Survey of interesting topics in AMO (student presentations)
3 Approximate scope of the course Motivation and preliminaries Motivation and preliminaries Atomic states Atomic states Atoms in external electric and magnetic fields Atoms in external electric and magnetic fields Polarized light Polarized light Atomic transitions Atomic transitions Coherence in atoms Coherence in atoms Density matrix Density matrix “Maxwell-Bloch” equations “Maxwell-Bloch” equations Examples Examples
4 Preliminary I The hierarchy of scales in the electron world To get into the groove and to introduce some notations, let us write the To get into the groove and to introduce some notations, let us write the classical radius of the electron …and the fine-structure constant
5 Let’s see what happens if we divide r e by powers of Compton wavelength Bohr radius Characteristic wavelength of atomic radiation
6 Good books (are hard to find) Atomic and Laser Spectroscopy by A. Corney Atomic Spectra and Radiative Transitions by I. I. Sobelman Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum by D. A. Varshalovich, A. N. Moskalev, and V. K. Khersonskii Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics by A. R. Edmonds Angular Momentum by R. N. Zare Polarization of Light by S. Huard Optical Polarization of Molecules by M. Auzinsh and R. Ferber Interference of Atomic States by E. B. Alexandrov, M. P. Chaika, and G. I. Khvostenko The Quantum Theory of Light by R. Loudon The Physics of Laser-Atom Interactions by D. Suter Optical Pumping. Principles and Applications by W. Happer, Th. Walker, and K. Bonin – delayed by 9/11 Atomic Physics by C. J. Foot Light and Matter by Y. B. Band Light-Mater Interaction by W. T. Hill, III and C. H. Li Atomic Physics. An Exploration through Problems and Solutions by D. Budker, D. F. Kimball, and D. P. DeMille
7 Errata