1 2 km TARGET INSIDE OF EBERSWALDE CRATER Juan C. Echaurren Codelco Chile North Division Fourth MSL Landing Workshop Latitude/Longitude: °S, °E 1. Rationale: This target is located approximately km from the center of the crater. There, is possible to find evidence of hydrothermal activity and traces of microscopic life.
2 2. Model: This target is predicted through the application of models presented in the Fourth MSL Landing Workshop (Sep Sep. 29, 2010), this prediction is shown as an intersection (zone in red) between, a portion of one hydrothermal zone, and a portion of the “Delta”. 3. Mineralogy: Evidence of Martian sedimentary rocks.
3 4. Approach: ~ 1 km Target of approximately, m in diameter. 0 0’0’ The coordinates in the origin “0” are conserved as in the first slide: Latitude/Longitude °S, °E. (Radius of ~ m)