Concept of a Multilingual Virtual Classroom Network for Software Engineering Module Katerina Zdravkova Institute of Informatics, Skopje
Intention Common Virtual Classroom for Software Engineering module Centre Point at HU Four National Centres: Berlin, Novi Sad, Plovdiv, Skopje Four National Points: Belgrade (EE & FNS), Kragujevac, Nis
Objectives of MVCN Current collaboration in SE project (At least) acceptable infrastructure for distance learning Centre Points have got sufficient experience in Distance Education Software Engineering module at HU is established and functions well Prepared lecture notes
Current state of MVCN Modern and adaptable SE syllabus Central site with basic elements Lecture notes & Power Point slides Partly translated slides Defined SE course in new computing curriculum in Novi Sad Initiated SE course in Skopje
Assignments Berlin: Finalization of Power Point slides Novi Sad: Static part of MVCN Skopje: Dynamic part of MVCN All partners: SE course with common syllabus translation and adaptation of the slides activation of common SE module (course)
SE syllabus Active and stable for several years Covers at least 80% of core lectures according to CC2001 Gives good theoretical basis for future research and development Presents many practical aspects of SE Enriched with many case studies XCTL control program
Basic links at the central site Schedule of project development Overview of the course: basic principles, topics and syllabus Elements of the course: case studies, slides and common student assignments SE: literature, F.A.Q., discussion, participants of the project
Links relevant for MVNC Overview of the course Elements of the course SE course in general + important meetings Bulletin Board Mailing list Indicator of site traffic Joint workshop over the Internet Links to national pages
Structure of MCVN Centre point: Berlin sends information to National Points, supervises and co-ordinates their work receives new lecture notes from all involved partner institutions centralized communication between National Points updates it and fills in new information
Properties of the Centre Point Static: most contents can be filled in and changed locally Dynamic: Only the Bulletin Board Available to everybody, but: Gives access to some parts only to authorized users Remark: the access is not guaranteed?
National Centres Independent units of the whole network Basically: mirroring sites Translations of common contents coming from the Centre Point Individual elements concerning the course (place, time, students, …) Needs dynamic access to national servers
National Points Currently: only in Yugoslavia Access to all common contents of the National Centre Centralized communication through a National Bulletin Board Individual elements concerning the course
Contents of National Points Two kinds of users: teachers (administrators) and Students (end users) Relevant for all users: all contents coming from the Centre site student assignments and results (restricted) local communication site traffic
Example of a dynamic DL site
What is dynamic? Bulletin Board User lists Individual assignments and deadlines Solutions of the assignments List of results Bi-directional communication
Benefits of MVNC Virtual Classroom International and multilingual Joint Software Engineering module at (at least) three different schools Possibility to start SE training and teaching without big efforts Portability Consequence: ECTS in SEE
Extensions of MVNC SE course in line with CC2001 standards Transferable pattern of a SE course Joint workshop over the Internet (Misev, Plovdiv 2002) Joint projects over the Internet (Zdravkova, Novi Sad 2001) New local and international partners
Future work Completion of PPT slides Translation to English and Bulgarian, Macedonian and Serbian (manually) Extension / modification of SE education slide at HU Creation of national mirroring sites with dynamic contents Evaluation of the project
Consequence New DAAD project?