Introduction Pertemuan 4 Matakuliah: G0302/Introduction to Literature Tahun: 2007
Bina Nusantara What is poetry? -It is a kind of language that says more and says it more intensely than does ordinary language. -Poetry is universal and ancient. - a means of allowing us, through the imagination, to live more fully, more deeply, more richly, and with greater awareness. Poetry 3
Bina Nusantara We can avoid two mistaken approaches to poetry if we keep this conception of literature firmly in mind. The first approach always looks for a lesson or a bit of moral instruction. The second expects to find poetry always beautiful. Approaches to poetry 4
Bina Nusantara Denotation Dictionary meaning or meanings of the word.
Bina Nusantara Connotation The connotations are what it suggests beyond what it expresses: its overtones of meaning. It acquires these connotations from its past history and associations, from the way and the circumstances in which it has been used. Connotation is very important in poetry, for it is one of the means by which the poet can concentrate or enrich meaning—say more in fewer words.
Bina Nusantara Imagery Imagery may be defined as the representation through language of sense experience. Poetry appeals directly to our senses, of course, through its music and rhythms, which we actually hear when it is read aloud. Indirectly it appeals to our senses through imagery, the representation of the imagination of sense experience.
Bina Nusantara Imagery 1. auditory imagery (a sound) 2. olfactory imagery (a smell) 3. gustatory imagery (a taste) 4. tactile imagery (touch) 5. organic imagery (an internal sensation) 6. kinesthetic imagery (movement)