29 July Lane Carlson, Charles Kessel Mark Tillack, Farrokh Najmabadi ARIES-Pathways Project Meeting Washington, D.C. June 29-30, 2010 Exploring the Parameter Space with the Visual ARIES Systems Scanning Tool
29 July The four corners of the parameter space have been defined ARIES-AT physics ( β N = ) DCLL blanket ARIES-I physics ( β N = 0.03) DCLL blanket Aggressive in technology Aggressive in physics ARIES-AT physics ( β N = ) SiC blanket ARIES-I physics ( β N = 0.03) SiC blanket Scans have been performed to span the 4 corners of the parameter space A grouping of lowest COE points have been isolated at each corner. C.Kessel to present specifics
29 July Some systems code scanning parameters: Preliminary filtering: 1.Pnelec = 1000 MW ± 15 MW 2.Divertor (in/outboard) limit < 15 MW/m 2 3.B T max = T 4.COE real RangeResolution R (m) B T (T) BetaN Q gain n/n Gr P aux … Now we can load this database of viable operating points and visualize
29 July We have explored the four corners with the VASST GUI as a visualization tool VASST - Visual ARIES Systems Scanning Tool Working to visualize the broad parameter space to extract meaningful data and uncover new relationships Graphical user interface (GUI) permits color 2D plots of any parameter Purpose: to give the user more visual interaction and explorative power to extract meaningful relationships
29 July VASST GUI v.2 Pull-down menus for common parameters Blanket database used Number of points in database Constraint parameter can restrict database Auto-labeling Correlation coefficient Save plot as TIFF, JPEG, BMP, PNG… Color bar scale Edit plotting properties (Visual ARIES Systems Scanning Tool) Turn on ARIES-AT point design for reference new “Thickened” database Note: All costing in this presentation is 2009$
29 July Constraint example #1: Aggr physics / aggr tech R vs fGW, CC COE Secondary constraints to apply for practical purposes: - fGW < H98 < 1.7
29 July Constraint example #1: Aggr physics / aggr tech R vs fGW, CC COE Const: fGW < 1.0
29 July Constraint example #1: Aggr physics / aggr tech R vs fGW, CC COE Const: fGW < 1.0 Const: H98 < 1.7
29 July Constraint example #2: Aggr physics / aggr tech R vs H98, CC COE
29 July Constraint example #2: Aggr physics / aggr tech R vs H98, CC COE Const: fGW < 1.0
29 July Constraint example #2: Aggr physics / aggr tech R vs H98, CC COE Const: fGW < 1.0 Const: H98 < 1.7
29 July Constraint example #3: Aggr physics / aggr tech BetaN vs H98, CC COE
29 July Constraint example #3: Aggr physics / aggr tech BetaN vs H98, CC COE Const: H98 < 1.7
29 July Constraint example #3: Aggr physics / aggr tech BetaN vs H98, CC COE Const: H98 < 1.7 Const: fGW < 1.0
29 July Example #4: Aggr physics / aggr tech Reiterating C. Kessel’s points, trends, observations with visualizations COE vs BetaN shows relatively weak dependence “Knee in the curve” at BetaN = 0.03
29 July Example #5: Aggr physics / aggr tech fGW Too aggressive Smaller device
29 July Example #5: Aggr physics / aggr tech H98 > 1.65 Too aggressive Smaller device
29 July Example #5: Aggr physics / aggr tech Aggressive physics BetaN > 0.045
29 July Example #5: Aggr physics / aggr tech Aggressive physics BetaN > COE 50 COE 60 COE 70
29 July Example #6: Cons physics / aggr tech B T = for cons physics (BetaN ~ 0.03)
29 July Example #6: Cons physics / aggr tech B T vs COE, CC BetaN Low BetaN regime
29 July Example #6: Cons physics / aggr tech B T vs COE, CC BetaN Const: BetaN < 0.035
29 July Example #6: Cons physics / aggr tech B T vs COE, CC BetaN Const: BetaN < 0.030
29 July Example #7: Aggr physics / cons tech Rise in B T as aggressiveness decreases (BetaN) Now DCLL blanket
29 July Example #7: Aggr physics / cons tech Still weak COE effect of BetaN
29 July Example #7: Aggr physics / cons tech nGW > 1.3 and H98 > 1.4 are too aggressive
29 July Example #8: Cons physics / cons tech Device is large with B T = T at low BetaN
29 July SC magnet current reduction SC magnet algorithm may be too optimistic Re-examined lower B-fields for possible solutions 1.5x reduction might represent an ITER-type TF coil Original magnetic coil algorithm 3x reduction (~ ITER TF coil) 10x reduction (exaggeration) ! Builds are not finalized but show TF coil growth trend !
29 July Extra: Pnelec (unrestricted) vs COE, CC: COE SiC blanket Possible attractive power plant designs in the 500 MW range
29 July Is a small (< 500 MW Pnelec) plant feasible? Must be careful when drawing comparisons from 1,000 MW ARIES power plant to a small pilot plant ARIES is 10th-of-a-kind costing, difficult to pin down 1st-of-a-kind ARIES magnets are SC Differs from current project scope
29 July The database chronicle is growing as resolution is added What input parameters were used? What version of the systems code was used? (Subversion control) What blanket was implemented? What were the assumptions applied in the code? What filters were implemented? (Pnetel, Qdiv, B, etc.) What costing algorithms were used, year$ ? Every result/picture/graph should be backed up with specifics of its origin
29 July Background check on systems code History of code is being investigated and documented. What exactly is in the different modules? Assumptions and approx used? This is an ongoing effort to document every specific of the code rather than rely on “corporate memory.” 1.Physics Module a)Toroidal magnetic fields b)Heat flux to divertor c)Neutron wall load d)Net electric power 2.Engineering Module a)Blanket (DCLL, SiC) b)Power flow c)Magnets d)Geometry 3.Costing Module a)Detailed costing accounts Documentation spreadsheet started
29 July Summary Large system scans have been done and thickening in areas of interest. The second version of the VASST GUI has looked at parameter correlations at the four corners. Continuing chronicle and documentation of details and specifics of the systems code.
29 July Future work Define strawmen for four corners. Continue to thicken and refine the database in relevant areas once aggr/cons parameters are nailed down. Re-examine/scan the TF and PF coil j vs. B relationships. Potentially consider smaller pilot plant machines. Live VASST demo?
29 July Extra Slides
29 July ARIES systems code consists of modular building blocks 1.Blankets 2.Geometry 3.Magnets 4.Power flow 5.Costing 1. PHYSICS Plasmas that satisfy power and particle balance 2. ENGINEERING FILTERS APPLIED Systems Code Analysis Flow 3. ENGINEERING & COSTING DETAILS Power core, power flow, magnets, costing, COE Modules include: Systems code integrates physics, engineering, design, and costing. 1.Toroidal magnetic fields 2.Heat flux to divertor 3.Neutron wall load 4.Net electric power Filters include: DCLL SiC ARIES-AT
29 July Goals of Dec ARIES research proposal Scope of new study is to re-evaluate the ARIES design while considering current PMI knowledge and issues.