SHARK Michael Mazzeo
SHARK BASICS There are about 250 species of sharks, ranging from 2-ft to 50-ft. They are found in all seas, but are most abundant in warm waters. Some may enter large rivers, and one freshwater species lives in Lake Nicaragua.
Sharks are heavy fishes, possessing neither lungs nor swim bladders. Their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone. Most sharks must keep moving in order to breathe and to stay afloat.
GOOD SWIMMERS The wide spread of the pectoral fins and the upward curve of the tail fin provide lift, and the sweeping movements of the tail provide drive.
JAWS Sharks mouths are set on the underside of the body and contain several rows of sharp, triangular teeth.
DEEP BREATH Sharks breathe by taking water in through the mouth and passing it out over the gills. Usually five on each side set in rows on the body surface.
White Shark Only a small number are known to engage in unprovoked attacks on humans. The largest and most feared of these is the great White shark, which may reach 20ft in length. The Great White Shark is the Only Shark That sticks its head out of the water to look around. Only a Few Sharks Jump out of the Water including the Biggest Great White Shark.
HAMMER HEAD hammerhead shark, active, surface-living shark, genus Sphyrina. Its curious head has lateral projections resembling the crossbar of a T, and its eyes and ears are located in the outer tips of the projections.
WHALE SHARK whale shark, large, plankton-eating shark, Rhincodon typus, found in all tropical seas of the world. The largest known specimens are 50 ft (15 m) long, making them the largest fish in the world. The whale shark feeds largely on plankton, as well as on small fish and crustaceans.
TIGER SHARK Tiger sharks will eat anything, most fish / sharks taste and test things out by tasting them in there mouth, the difference between Tiger sharks and all others is, no matter what it is, the tiger shark will eat it, and eventually will have to through it up.