Welcome to class of Organizational Design and Planning and Budgeting Dr. Satyendra Singh
multinational nonprofit organizations export department –HO in a single country –experts go from country to country multinational organization –each country has its own local management/autonomy –coordination is managed at the HO global organization –treats world market as one single market –local managers may adapt programs slightly
organizational designs functional organization –adv: economics of scale, functional skills synergies –disadv: inside comp, difficult coord., less responsibility product/service organization –adv: clear resp., attn. to market, general mgmt. skills –disadv: no authority, poor coordination customer organization –adv: study the market, develop the product –disadv: small products may be neglected mixed organization –preferred, if affordable
Planning and budgeting
measuring demands total market demand –market minimum –market potential –chain ratio method total industry demand –visit each organization, trade information –annual reports, government agencies organization market share –share of the total market / target market –share with respect to leading competitor(s)
forecasting market demands Target intention surveys –focus group reliability issue, right intentions, gap between forecast and behavior expert forecast –ask experts: professors, associations, consultants market test time series analysis –trend, cycle, season, erratic events regression analysis
choosing between competing programs cost benefit analysis –monetary quantifiable benefits attach $ value –nonmonetary quantifiable benefits no of accidents, lives saved, more seat-belt wearers –nonquantifiable benefits happiness, self-esteem