CS 326A: Motion Planning ai.stanford.edu/~latombe/cs326/2007/index.htm Probabilistic Roadmaps: Basic Techniques
Motivation Geometric complexity Space dimensionality
Weaker Completeness Complete planner Too slow Heuristic planner Too unreliable Probabilistic completeness: If a solution path exists, then the probability that the planner will find one is a fast growing function that goes to 1 as the running time increases
Initial idea: Potential Field + Random Walk Attract some points toward their goal Repulse other points by obstacles Use collision check to test collision Escape local minima by performing random walks
But many pathological cases …
Illustration of a Bad Potential “Landscape” U q Global minimum
Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) free space mbmbmbmb mgmgmgmg milestone [Kavraki, Svetska, Latombe,Overmars, 95] local path
Two Tenets of PRM Planning Checking sampled configurations and connections between samples for collision can be done efficiently. Hierarchical collision checking [Hierarchical collision checking methods were developed independently from PRM, roughly at the same time] A relatively small number of milestones and local paths are sufficient to capture the connectivity of the free space. Exponential convergence in expansive free space (probabilistic completeness)
Two Tenets of PRM Planning Checking sampled configurations and connections between samples for collision can be done efficiently. Hierarchical collision checking [Hierarchical collision checking methods were developed independently from PRM, roughly at the same time] A relatively small number of milestones and local paths are sufficient to capture the connectivity of the free space. Exponential convergence in expansive free space (probabilistic completeness)