“Refinements to flare energy estimates…” Emslie et al., et Hugh too, JGR 110, 2005 Particles Flows Waves Corona B 2 /8 EM radiation Mechanical energy HE particles One AU How do we partition all these things?
Relevant things Skylab workshop (Sturrock; Canfield et al.) SMM workshop (Kundu & Woodgate; Wu et al.) Flare total irradiance measurements (SORCE data) CME energy estimates (Vourlidas et al. 2000)
Woods et al. 2004: first total-irradiance flare observations
Kopp et al. 2004
What is L X /L tot for a solar flare? Hudson 1991: typo! Shimizu correction: 0.07 SORCE value ~0.01 for major events
How to estimate the magnetic energy of a CME? Where from a set of 1 AU flux-rope fits, and A is the CME area as seen in C2 Vourlidas et al. 2002
Emslie et al. results (one flare)
Conclusions It’s a meaningful exercise now to partition the energy quantitatively CMEs and flares have comparable energy in the two Emslie et al. cases We know of flares with no CMEs and CMEs with no flares (rare) Assessing the magnetic energy is troublesome, but then it is the whole of the physics at low beta