The Day after Tomorrow „This film is propaganda designed to shift the policy of this nation on climate change“ – Patrick J. Michaels
1. Roland Emmerich a) Biography b) Emmerich‘s films c) Political position 2. About the movie 3. General reactions to the film 4. Hollywood and politics a) The film as a political influence b) Actors and directors as political influence 5. The Kyoto protocol and the USA a) What is it? b) Position of the USA towards the Kyoto protocol 6. The Environmental agenda of the Bush administration The Day after Tomorrow
1.Roland Emmerich - Biography : born in Stuttgart -Study of films in Munich in Founded his own production company -First Hollywood picture: Universal Soldier (1992), earned $36 million His films -Director of six successful films: The Day After Tomorrow 2004 The Patriot 2000 Godzilla 1998 Independence Day 1995 Universal Soldier 1992 Joey 1985 His Political position -He is a supporter of the pro- environment German Green Party -Emmerich criticises the Bush administration’s environmental policies
2. About the movie -“The Day After Tomorrow” can be seen as a Emmerich’s masterpiece -In this film he criticises the environmental policy of the USA, especially of G. Bush -Emmerich put up resistance against the traditional Hollywood-film with patriotism and a happy end -Based on real environmental problems but still a missing scientific background
3. General reactions to the Film -The film caused a general talk about global warming -More articles about climate change debates wer published -Positive resonance of the audience especially in the USA -Problem: trivialisation of a serious theme for commercial reasons
4. Hollywood and politics a)The film as a political influence -The film-production is the most powerful media in the USA -Emmerich hopes to influence the peoples’ decision for the next election of the president -Film is transferred to current political issues -On the other hand the discussion about the topic will not last for ever -Some U.S. critics and anti-environmentalists lable the movie “propaganda movie” -A lot of political reaction on the film ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ Politicians (of the Bush administration) warned to watch the film -Still only a blockbuster with the aim to earn money!! -Has less effect, not enough to influence the politics in greater extent
4. Hollywood and politics -Many people in hollywood are more liberal than conservative -Democratic Party is their favorite one (with some exceptions) - Absolute majority of Hollywood-actors support Democratic Party b) Actors and directors as political influence
5. The Kyoto protocol and the USA a)What is it? -Amendment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) -International treaty due to the global warming -Aim: Lower overall emissions from the main greenhouse gases -A total of 141 countries have ratified the agreement (61% of emissions of greenhouse gases) -Treaty’s implementation in February By ratifying this protocol they commit to reduce their collective emissions of greenhouse gases by 5,2 % compared to the year 1990
5. The Kyoto protocol and the USA b) Position of the USA towards the Kyoto protocol -The Protocol was signed under Clinton (only symbolical act)-but not ratified -Argumentation of Bush: He said, he wont ratify the Protocol during his presidential period, because he would not do anything that harmed the US economy. -USA will only join for a long-term environmental goal with all countries included -USA produces the biggest amount of greenhouse gases and should be an example by accepting this treaty -In fact the big oil, gas and coal lobby, which was the biggest donator in his election campain, is behind Bush. -Other projects in the USA to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
USAChinaEUTotal World population:4.6%21%6.3%31.9% World economy:30%3.2%23%56.2% CO 2 emissions:24%13%14%51%
6. The Environmental agenda of the Bush administration -Bush environmental policy: rollback policy -“Clear Skies” and “Climate Leader” programs only propaganda and changing of the Kyoto subject. -EPA (Environmental Protection Agency): One of the few partly effective institutions in the USA -EPA employs people across the USA
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