Some Final Thoughts…
Here’s Looking At You Wow! Reflection Results-based
The Danger! 50%
The Solution
The Methods - Perspective Ya got to know your limitations!
The Methods - Perspective About yourself Brush off positive / wallow in negative vs. Celebrate successes / acknowledge means for improvement Be aware of labels: bad vs. ineffective
The Methods - Perspective About students This is the class from hell Juanita is a constant disruption vs. Students labeled as problems in reality behave most of the time Juanita’s poor choice at this moment Remember – the energy of your feelings and attitudes will be reflected in your students’ behavior!
The Methods - Perspective About administration Scripted lessons – other questionable materials No Child Left Behind Lack of administrative support vs. Pendulums swing / fads pass Student learning behind closed doors I can control my students
The Methods - Efficiency Become more efficient: Pack more learning into each day by maximizing instructional time Daily Oral Language Effective class control Smooth transitions vs. Videos on Friday afternoons Game time
The Methods - Efficiency Become more efficient: Pack more learning into each day by maximizing instructional effectiveness Be prepared Integrate lessons to address multiple standards Provide distributed practice over time – teaching mosaic Gain student attention – novelty, intensity, emotions Relate to prior learning Relate to the students’ real world Provide clear directions Monitor and adjust Use premade overheads or other media Support students with scaffolds Model the learning
The Methods - Efficiency Master productivity tools Use search engines effectively – NETS Become adept with Microsoft Office Utilize effective file management (electronic and paper) Organized Clearly named Back up files Modify materials after today’s lesson, not before next year’s You won’t remember Good reflection
The Methods - Efficiency Collaboration Identify and befriend the school’s best teachers Share ideas and materials Grade level groups
The Methods – Classroom Needs Establish the classroom environment you need (Lee Canter) Noise level Respectful discourse Recess / lunch: don’t punish yourself Effective classroom aids Correcting student work Self correct Trade papers Toss
The Methods – Personal Needs Your job is not your life Exercise Snuggle Play Quality meals Hobbies Social life Meditation / spiritual life
The Results