GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 1 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Integration and Test Two Tower Integration Readiness Review I&T Plan Ken Fouts / Brian Grist Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 2 Two Tower Schedule
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 3 Integration Sequence Integration Sequence is defined in LAT-MD LAT Assembly Sequence Two tower starts with the integration of Bay 9 and then Bay 8 Optical surveys will be completed after each installation to determine installation accuracy
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 4 On Bench In Flight like Single bay In Metrology Bay Single Bay Integration and Test Flow TKR Module Post Ship Test TKR Module CPT TRK Module Install TKR Module LPT Cal Module Install Cal Module LPT TEM-TKR EICIT/IVT Single Bay CPT CAL Module Post Ship Test CAL Module CPT CAL Module LPT TEM/TPS Module Post Ship Test TEM/TPS Module CPT TEM/TPS EICIT/IVT CAL Module CPT LAT-PS LAT-PS LAT-PS LAT-PS LAT-PS LAT-PS-03875, LAT-PS LAT-PS LAT-PS LAT-PS LAT-PS LAT-PS-03875, 04097, 04098, LAT-PS LAT-PS LAT-TD-3415
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 5 CALORIMITER INSTALLATION SEQUENCE Final Test Remove CAL, TEM/TEMPS from Metrology Bay Remove EM TEM/TEMPS (Demate Cal Connectors) Install CAL, TEM/TEMPS into Single Bay (TKR Previously installed) Invert Single Bay Test Remove CAL, TEM/TEMPS from Single Bay Install and shim Flight TEM/TEMPS Demate TKR Flex Cables Receive CAL Tower Install Cal into Metrology Bay Invert Cal Tower using single Bay Test Mate Connectors from TEM/TEMPS to CAL Mate TKR Connectors to TEM Invert Single Bay Install CAL, TEM/TEMPS into Grid (TKR Previously installed) Mate TKR Connectors to TEM Invert Grid Lift Operation Turnover Op Manual Op Connector Mate/Demate Legend
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 6 Tracker Installation Sequence Final Test Remove CAL, TEM, TEM-PS, & TKR Tower from Single Bay Mate TKR Flex cables to TEM Install TKR into alignment fixture Install CAL, TEM/TEMPS Test Install TKR Tower into Grid Install TKR Tower into Single Bay Verify TKR Alignment Receive TKR Tower Invert Single bay Install Cal Tower into Single Bay Invert Single bay Demate TKR Flex Cables from TEM Remove TKR Tower from Single Bay Invert Grid Mate TKR Flex Cables Lift Operation Turnover Op Manual Op Connector Mate/Demate Legend
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 7 Workaround for Late TEM Delivery Late TEM delivery –Complete Single Bay test with EM TEM/TPS –Install TKR in Grid Tracker installation into the grid and cable work may take additional development. –EM TEM may be installed into the Grid with CAL and replaced with a flight unit when available. –Removal of the EM TEM and Installation of the Flight TEM/TPS will require detailed height measurements in the metrology bay to make custom shims. –An optical survey or mechanical measurements will be used to verify location after installation.
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 8 I&T Operations
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 9 I&T Organization
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 10 I&T Roles and Responsibilities I&T Management –Ensure that all aspects of LAT integration and test planning are in place and these plans are executed –Define I&T priorities and resolve resource conflicts –Provide program scheduling, cost accounting, performance tracking and reporting for entire subsystem. –Ensure the implementation of the LAT Integration and Test plan and the LAT Performance and Operations test plan are achieved. –Ensure that scientific performance and requirements are met per applicable requirements. –Support development of subsystem specifications, verification plans, and interfaces with neighboring subsystems. –Control subsystem environmental requirements and performance metrics. –Support team meetings and project reviews. Travel to meetings and site visits for test support. –Help develop and focus Collaboration support for beam test, data analysis, calibration, environmental test, spacecraft and observatory.
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 11 Integration Facilities, Configuration, and Test (IFCT) Department –Develop I&T plans for the EM units and LAT. –Develop operations and test procedures. –Layout, spec, and procure equipment and facilities needed for LAT integration at SLAC, specifically the LAT integration facility at SLAC (Building 33). –Train and certify technicians for LAT flight hardware handling. –Provide on-going operational support of integration facilities and staff. –Supervise I&T work in Integration Facility (Building 33). –Record and maintain records of installation and logs of activities to provide configuration control of the LAT during assembly and test. I&T Roles and Responsibilities
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 12 Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE) Department –Design MGSE to support instrument integration and test. –Support procurement/fabrication of all MGSE. –Plan and coordinate the assembly and proof test of LAT MGSE. –Provide support during integration. I&T Roles and Responsibilities
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 13 Online Software Department –Develop, test, and support software used to collect data from the EM units, CU and LAT test stands, saves them to persistent storage, and to monitor and control the test stand and data acquisition system. –Responsible for the online software, workstations on which the online software operates, and network connections. –The online software includes a test executive that communicates with the embedded system to control the test stand, collects data from the hardware under test, a scripting language, Graphical User Interface (GUI) tools, a database, analysis and monitoring tools, and a mechanism to archive data. –Provide a code management and release control system. –Responsible for the design and implementation of a standard test suite (scripts) used to qualify the instrument and instrument components. –The Electronics Subsystem is responsible for substantial elements of the test stand. Thus, there will be close coordination between the Online Software department and Electronics Subsystem. –Online will provide a release control and code management system to configuration control the Online software, this includes the all test scripts used by I&T. I&T Roles and Responsibilities
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 14 Particle Test Department –Develop, plan, and lead in the implementation of particle tests for the EM units and LAT. –Particle tests will include ground cosmic rays and Van de Graaff photons for the EM, Calibration Unit (CU), LAT and observatory levels. –These tasks require close coordination with all other departments in I&T. –Design, construct, and maintain the Van de Graaff accelerator, its associated diagnostic and support equipment, and scintillator telescope for cosmic ray data acquisition. –Particle test leads in the design and equipment manufacture for the CU beam test. –Particle Test is supported by the I&T MGSE department and the SLAC Experimental Facilities Department (EFD). I&T Roles and Responsibilities
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 15 Science Verification, Analysis, and Calibration (SVAC) Department –The SVAC department is responsible to coordinate and help perform the data analysis for particle beam and cosmic ray tests. –These tests are designed to ultimately calibrate the LAT, and to validate the Monte Carlo simulations that will be used to verify the LAT science performance requirements. –The SVAC department plan builds gradually on the knowledge acquired from low-level calibration tests on hardware units by the subsystems, in the process of I&T, and from particle tests using EM units, and the LAT. –The SVAC manager is responsible for developing and leading the collaboration support for offline data analysis of data taken during the LAT integration and testing phases. I&T Roles and Responsibilities
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 16 I&T Operating Plan The detailed LAT I&T schedule is maintained in MS Project by the I&T Scheduler. –Schedules will be updated daily via the morning meeting with progress from previous day. –Once every other week I&T will hold a planning meeting with the scheduler and interested or affected subsystems to agree on the plan for the next two weeks. Plan 2 shift operation –Minimum staff will be 1 S&E Associate, 2 Technicians and a Test Conductor or Test Director on shift (4 people per shift). Shifts will run 7:00am-3:30pm and 3:00pm-11:30pm –Daily morning meeting at 7:00am –Half hour overlap will facilitate a daily “hand-off” meeting at 3:00pm. –Swing shift Test Conductor will hold an informal meeting at the end of the shift and complete the Shift Log. –Shift hand-off between 2 nd shift and the following day will be accomplished via shift log. Baseline plan is 2-8hr shifts/5 days a week. –Extended shifts and/or Saturdays will be used to maintain schedule as required.
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 17 Two Shift Operation Flow 1500 Daily Meeting Integration Test Director I&T Staff 0700 Daily Meeting Integration Test Director IFCT Staff Status of day shift test flow (Shift log review) Generate/Assign Swing Tasks from schedule. Items for Test Prep Shift log Review Status test flow from previous swing shift Assign days tasks from schedule. ThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayMonday 1500 Meeting Swing shift 0700 Meeting 1500 Meeting Day shift Swing shift 0700 Meeting 1500 Meeting Day shift
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 18 I&T Test Roles and Responsibilities Test DirectorLarry Wai Brian Grist Brian Horwitz (Backup) Test ConductorsBrian Horwitz (EE Lead) John Canfield (S&E Assoc) Toan Le (Backup) Electrical TechniciansToan Le Phuc Hoang Mechanical EngineersTom Borden (IFCT Engr) Eliazar Ortiz (Lead) Mechanical S&E AssociatesMark Molini Leo Manger Reggie Rogers (MGSE) Mechanical TechniciansDave Kiehl Tom Nieland
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 19 Problem Resolution in I&T Test Equipment Problem Test Procedure/Set Up Error Test Conductor Error False Alarm! Possible Flight HW Failure Possible Flight SW, DB Failure NCR Issued Troubleshoot HW MRB NCR Issued Troubleshoot SW, DB MRB Flight HW Risk? Issue Closed Problem Observed Inspection, Testing, Data Analysis (HW, SW, Data) Preliminary NCR (FLAG) Categorize by Test Conductor and/or Test Director Yes No SW, DB MRB Root Cause Identified Corrective Actions HW MRB Root Cause Identified Corrective Actions
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 20 Troubleshooting in I&T No troubleshooting will be done without appropriate disposition on an NCR. When an anomaly occurs: –The test set-up is frozen –The instrument and test equipment is safed. –The test set-up and instrument configuration is reviewed and documented by the Test Conductor. –Test conductor notifies the TD, Subsystem Engineer and QA. QA initiates an NCR with information from TC and convenes MRB. –At a minimum, MRB consists of the Test Director, Test Conductor, Subsystem Engineer and QA. MRB will provide detailed disposition for troubleshooting. The test procedure will be redlined or a separate procedure will be written (as defined by MRB) to document the troubleshooting activity defined in the disposition.
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 21 Procedure Plan Key Requirements I&T Documentation Flow I&T Procedure Development Process I&T Standard Processes Status Configuration Management
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 22Document Released Revision LAT-MD LAT Instrument Performance Verification Plan11/8/04 LAT-MD LAT Performance and Operations Test PlanDraft LAT-MD LAT Assembly Sequence3/12/04 LAT-MD LAT Instrument Survey PlanDraft LAT-MD SVAC Plan10/5/04 LAT-MD Ad Hoc Committee on End-to-End Testing6/25/04 LAT-DS LAT Tower and Electronics AssemblyDraft LAT-DS LAT Tower AssemblyDraft LAT-DS CAL-TEM-TPS Module Assembly11/1/04 LAT-DS TRACKER-LAT IDD10/11/04 LAT-DS CAL-LAT IDD5/2/03 Key I&T Requirement Documents Requirements Definition Key to Successful I&T
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 23 I&T Documentation Flow Drawings (Mechanical Assembly, Cabling, EGSE/MGSE interface, etc.) Test Sequence LAT-MD Assembly Instruction Data Sheet (AIDS) Task Specific Procedures (Assembly, Test, Process, Etc.) Electronic Logbooks (Component installation, Mate/Demate, Etc.) Procedure Data Sheet Non-Conformance Report (NCR) QA and Archive Test Performance and Operation Plan LAT-MD FLAG I&T Operating Processes and Procedures
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 24 I&T Procedure Process I&T Procedures are developed by the appropriate Electrical or Mechanical Team members. Procedures are reviewed internally by I&T and then the draft is put in LAT Docs for external review. Subsystems are notified by of the document status. Whenever possible draft procedures are used to dry run assembly, integration and testing of EM hardware. Document signature cycle is determined by Systems Engineering. I&T Procedures (including AIDS) are reviewed and signed off (at a minimum) by: –The document author –Quality Engineer –Subsystem Engineer (TKR, CAL, ELX, Mech., I&T) –I&T Manager and/or I&T Engineering Manager. Daily “huddles” will be used prior to first use of procedures with flight hardware to review the steps and “mistakeproof” the process. I&T Procedures will be executed by the appropriate Mechanical or Electrical Technicians and/or Science & Engineering (S&E) Associates.
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 25Document Released Revision LAT-PS GLAST LAT Integration Facility Emergency Response Plan 11/4/04 LAT-PS Fastener Installation and Torqueing ProcedureIn Signoff LAT-PS Connector Mate and Demate9/3/04 LAT-MD LAT I&T eLog Book Implementation PlanIn Signoff LAT-MD LAT Facilities PlanIn Signoff LAT-PS Flight Hardware Bag and Purge ProcedureIn Signoff LAT-PS AeroGo Bearing Reference Guide11/4/04 LAT-PS LAT Data Collection ProcedureDraft LAT-MD LAT EGSE PlanDraft LAT-MD LAT MGSE PlanDraft I&T Process Procedures Document Standard Processes for use in I&T
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 26 Configuration Management I&T follows the project CM plan, LAT- MD The figure on the right shows document flow through CM The figure below from LAT-MD defines who is required to sign
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 27 Procedure Status 61 documents total 34 have been submitted for sign-off 20 have been released
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 28 Procedure Status (1 of 6) - Management Green is complete
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 29 Procedure Status (2 of 6) - MGSE Green is complete
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 30 Procedure Status (3 of 6) – IFCT Electrical Green is complete
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 31 Procedure Status (4 of 6) – IFCT Mechanical Green is complete
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 32 Procedure Status (5 of 6) - Particle Green is complete
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 33 Procedure Status (5 of 6) - SVAC Green is complete
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 34 Procedure Status – Burndown Chart
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 35 Backup Charts
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 36 Integration Facilities, Configuration, and Test (IFCT) Department (1 of 2) –IFCT Manager and IFCT Engineer: Managers for the department. Coordinated activities between IFCT staff. Oversees the coordination with other subsystem liaison test groups. Building manager and assistant building manager for the Integration Facility (SLAC building 33). –Mechanical Floor Engineer: Oversee and work on the mechanical and thermal aspects of the instrument assembly, integration, and test operations. Supervise mechanical technicians. Develop flight hardware handling procedures and training. Play a key role in developing the LAT assembly and integration procedures. Lead the mechanical assembly, integration and testing of the LAT. Responsible engineer to the test and assembly procedures. Responsible for the Assembly Instruction Data Sheets (AIDS). Supervises the mechanical technicians. Prepares and coordinates the daily tasks. This person is the test conductor for the mechanical operations. –Electrical Floor Engineer: Responsible engineer for the electrical test procedures. Supervises the electrical technicians. Prepares and coordinated the daily tasks. This person is the test conductor for the electrical testing.
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 37 Integration Facilities, Configuration, and Test (IFCT) Department (2 of 2) –Mechanical Technicians: Responsible for hands on mechanical assembly of the LAT under the supervision of the Mechanical Floor Engineer. Follow written procedures and Assembly Instruction Data Sheets (AIDS). Review and implement procedures for integration and test of the LAT. Support fabrication and assembly of integration support equipment. Support calibration of Instrumentation and the LAT instrument. Conduct test under controlled conditions and report results. Conduct daily integration operations assigned by lead technician/floor engineer. Conduct crane operation. Identify, maintain and inventory tools and support equipment related to LAT mechanical integration. The mechanical technicians are responsible for the physical mate demate of flight connectors. –Electrical Technicians: Responsible to execute written electrical test procedures under the direction of the Electrical Floor Engineer. Follow written procedures and Assembly Instruction Data Sheets (AIDS). Will perform tests using automated test and diagnostic equipment, troubleshooting digital and analog interfaces using oscilloscopes, logic and protocol analyzers, multi-meters, and signal generators, and perform interface verifications.
GLAST LAT ProjectNovember 18, 2004 I&T Two Tower IRR 38 I&T Flow For Tower Installation Receive TKR Tower Inspect, Metrology & El Test Final Test Remove CAL, TEM, TEM-PS, & TKR Tower from Single Bay Install CAL With Flt TEM/TEM- PS Install TKR into alignment fixture Measure TKR and Align Cones Test Prepar e Grid Bay Install TKR Tower into Grid Bay Install TKR Tower into Single Bay Install CAL, TEM, & TEM-PS Receive CAL Tower Shim Flight TEM/TEM- PS Install Cal Tower into Metrology Bay Test