COMM : Applied Organizational Communication Instructor: Dan Lair Day Fourteen: Ethics in Communication Consulting September 28, 2005
Today’s Agenda Note on next Wednesday’s (10/19) test Discussion of readings Group consultation (if time available)
Ethics in Context In his chapter, Purdy (1993) argues that ethics was an increasingly important consideration in the business world in the late 1980s/early 1990s. Purdy references Popcorn (1991) who argues that such concern is a cyclical trend. Consider where we are in such a cycle, given the following developments: – Employees regularly encounter ethical dilemmas at work (Lutheran Brotherhood, 1998) – Ethically questionable behavior is rampant by executives (Brief, Dukerich, Brown, & Brett, 1996) – Disconnect between ethical beliefs and behaviors: Business students (Badaracco and Webb, 1995) Business School Deans (Siguaw et al, 1998) Question: Purdy seems to peg his discussion of ethics in consulting to the then-popularity of ethics in the corporate world. What do you think about this move? What effect might it have?
Questions on Purdy, “Ethics and Communication Consulting” What is the difference between code-based and traits- based approaches to ethics? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? What do you think about Kohlberg’s model of moral/ethical development? Do you agree with the claim that there are “basic ways of moral valuing” across cultures, communities, corporations? How does this view affect communication consulting? Purdy suggests three ethical imperatives for communication consultants. What are they, and what suggestions does Purdy have to help consultants meet them?
Questions on Harrison, “Toward an Ethical Framework” Why does Harrison argue that even when a consultant is trying to be neutral – to “simply” present information – they still act as a change agent? How does Harrison apply Bitzer’s rhetorical situation to communication consulting? How does that application affect the way we look at the consulting process? Harrison argues that “the decision that emerges [from a consultation] is judged to be moral or ethical on the basis of the quality of discourse which gave rise to it” (p. 95). What do you think of this as an ethical principle? What guidelines does she suggest to help achieve this ethical goal, and what do consultants need to do to follow those guidelines?
Questions on Case Study, “The Penis People” What ethical dilemma(s) do consultants Emma and Sheila face in this case study? Drawing on the discussion in both Purdy and Harrison, how would you suggest that the consultants manage these ethical dilemmas?
General Discussion: What ethical dilemmas/situations have you either already encountered or anticipate that you might encounter in your consulting projects? How do you plan on managing such dilemmas/situations?