Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006 Cornyn/Lieberman Open Access Bill Senate Bill 2695
UCLA Library---Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update 2 What does the legislation entail? The bipartisan Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006 introduced on May 2, 2006 by Senators John Cornyn (R- TX) and Joe Lieberman (D-CT) would require that US Government agencies with annual extramural research expenditures of over $100 million make manuscripts of journal articles stemming from research funded by that agency publicly available via the Internet
UCLA Library---Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update 3 What does the legislation entail? (cont’d) The manuscripts will be maintained and preserved in a digital archive maintained by that agency or in another suitable repository that permits free public access, interoperability, and long- term preservation
UCLA Library---Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update 4 What does the legislation entail? (cont’d) Each manuscript will be freely available to users without charge within six months after it has been published in a peer-reviewed journal Agencies have one year from enactment of the legislation to develop implementation policies
UCLA Library---Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update 5 Who will be affected? Dept. of Agriculture Dept. of Commerce Dept. of Defense Dept. of Education Dept. of Energy Dept. of Health and Human Services
UCLA Library---Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update 6 Who will be affected? (cont’d) Dept. of Homeland Security Dept. of Transportation Environmental Protection Agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Science Foundation
UCLA Library---Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update 7 What does the legislation mean for investigators? improved access to research and increased impact for the investigators’ own work implementation policies would likely call for PI to submit an electronic copy of the final manuscript (including changes resulting from peer review) of any article that stems from the agency’s funding and has been accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal
UCLA Library---Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update 8 What does the legislation mean for investigators? (cont’d) The process by which investigators deposit their work is expected to be relatively simple It may be similar to the procedure worked out by the National Institutes of Health to implement its Public Access Policy
UCLA Library---Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update 9 What does it mean for higher education institutions? enhanced access to federally-funded research articles for researchers and students at our institutions federally funded research in open archives will expands the worldwide visibility of the research conducted at our institutions allows us to examine work at other institutions that compete for Government grants and contracts role of local repositories, e.g., eScholarship?
UCLA Library---Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update 10 Who supports the legislation? UCLA Library Faculty and the Collections What's New: Pending Federal Legislation Affecting Dissemination of Faculty Scholarship Leading academic officers of twenty-five universities, including Rory Hume, UC executive vice president and provost have signed an open letter in support of the act because of its essential role in helping to broaden the dissemination of the result of faculty's researchopen letter The UCLA Library will send further information to faculty as the bill moves through the legislative process
UCLA Library---Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update 11 Who supports the legislation? (cont’d) Alliance for Taxpayer Access Association of College and Research Libraries Association of Research Libraries Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries
UCLA Library---Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Update 12 For more information SPARC – Campus FAQ Alliance for Taxpayer Access THOMAS: Legislative Information FirstGOV.gov – for legislative updates