Workshop on CMS irradiation sensor Qualification&Assurance 1 Final set of measurement for the irradiation quality assurance. What test do we need? EFFICIENT NON-AMBIGUOUS Sensitive to problems Not too extensive, to show difficult statistical fluctuactions Thorough to check all important parameters!
Thorough to check all important parameters! EFFICIENT All paramaters: V_dep, I_TOT, Strip Parameter But only on a subsample of strips All measurements in one measurement run (if possible) Strip measurement only on 2 DC pads!
Not too extensive, to show difficult statistical fluctuactions or setup problems Problems with bonding or residuals of conductive rubber OR... could interfere with the measurement one strange result, even explainable by feature of the setup could possibly dis-qualify a complete batch of sensors e.g. conductive rubber remains: ONLY sample of 10 strips! = FAST
Sensitive to problems RAMPS more information of the strip paramter (here after irrad)
Sensitive to problems RAMPS interstrip resistance
Calibration KA-Louvain IV & CV KA: Offset due to Add. 50pF (Iso-box)
Strip parameter ST teststructure calibration KA-Louvain Interstrip capacitance: KA 0.64pF (1 neighbour)Louvain 1.05pF (2 neighbours)
Future calibration Second calibration run Calibration with an irradiated teststructure Anealing curve as proposed by Alexander and and agreed with Louvain
FINAL SET proposal (to freeze) All measurements after 80 60°C and > 6h in the fridge All DIODE: –IV, CV (1MHz with guard on GND) I_TOT, V_dep, C_TOT, Minisensor or full sensor IV, CV on diode (1kHz) Strip measurements: all on 2 DC pads Rpoly, Cint, Rint, leakage current »for 10 strips »With a voltage ramp 1V/s [1-30V] 10V/s [40-600V] For the beginning: full check for pinholes