1 Cognition: Subject Matter Danah Henriksen Eduardo Rodrigues Amy Tracy Wells
2 The Water Cycle
3 We consider this domain to be complex. Processes in Earth Science are generally complex in nature, and the fact that the water cycle involves several interrelated stages moving in a continuous cycle indicates its complexity. “The hydrologic cycle consists of various complicated processes of precipitation, evaporation, interception, transpiration, infiltration, percolation, retention, detention, overland flow, throughflow, and runoff.” -- Britannica, Macromedia, Volume 20, Pg. 720 Nature of the Domain
4 Learning Goals for this Domain Students should be able to name and explain the stages of the water cycle understand how these separate components interact to form the cycle understand how water on earth moves in a continuous cycle understand the dynamic complexity of the process
5 Domain Overview We would begin with a general description overview of the whole cycle: Earth has been recycling its water for 3 billion years. The process when water starts in a cloud, falls as rain, travels to the ocean, and then starts all over again is called the water cycle. Most of the water goes to the ocean, but the rest falls on land and eventually reaches the ocean by a river. Then, the water evaporates into the sky to form clouds. When the weather is just right, rain will fall and the whole cycle starts all over again. The water cycle never ends because the salty ocean water constantly supplies fresh water to the continents
6 Software Solution Our technological solution would be a software demonstration that explains the water cycle in stages, ultimately connecting each stage to the whole process. As the process gets more and more complex students will explore how one process interacts and influences the others.
7 Learning Design Each stage of the learning activity is related to a stage of the water cycle. At every stage the students will be given appropriate factual and visual information on the water cycle followed by several key questions to evaluate comprehension and reinforce learning of the subject matter.
8 A Few Details… There will be multiple technical approaches to instruction including software, text, & class instruction including lecture & group presentation. The software will emphasize the dynamic nature of the water cycle and the interaction of its many components. One such example:
9 Situative-constructivist framework We anticipate that the outcome from this pedagogical approach which ideally will approximate a more authentic experience which seeks to blend theory & practice will yield factual knowledge & a deeper understanding of the hydrologic cycle. Unanswered questions include: retention, beliefs, understandings, action, etc.
10 Assessment Students will be evaluated on an individual basis through a fact-based quiz, as the last step in the computer-based activity, followed by a test for synthesis. Following this, students will come up with a group presentation in class explaining how the water cycle works using the main processes involved in the cycle as emphasized in the unit lesson.