Conference Summary August 6, 2006. Outline The Conference Committee The Conference Organization Topical Summary Looking Forward to QFS2007 in Kazan.


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Presentation transcript:

Conference Summary August 6, 2006

Outline The Conference Committee The Conference Organization Topical Summary Looking Forward to QFS2007 in Kazan

Outline The Conference Committee The Conference Organization Topical Summary Looking Forward to QFS2007 in Kazan To find information on any QFS or LT conference: Go to the web and to Google and type “QFS98”

The Conference Committee Conference Takao Mizusaki Co-Chair Kyoto University Akira Matsubara Co-Chair Kyoto University

The Conference Committee Conference Takao Mizusaki Co-Chair Kyoto University Akira Matsubara Co-Chair Kyoto University Program Yuichi Okuda (chair) Tokyo Tech. Katsuhiko Nagai Hiroshima University Hiroshi Fukuyama University of Tokyo

The Conference Committee Conference Takao Mizusaki Co-Chair Kyoto University Akira Matsubara Co-Chair Kyoto University Program Yuichi Okuda (chair) Tokyo Tech. Katsuhiko Nagai Hiroshima University Hiroshi Fukuyama University of Tokyo Publication Osamu Ishikawa Osaka City University

The Conference Committee Toshikazu Arai Kyoto University Akira Fukuda Kyoto University Kohji Fukuda Kyoto University Yutaka Sasaki Kyoto University Anju Sawada Kyoto University Makoto Tsubota Osaka City University Tomohiro Ueno Kyoto University

The Conference Committee Toshikazu Arai Kyoto University Akira Fukuda Kyoto University Kohji Fukuda Kyoto University Yutaka Sasaki Kyoto University Anju Sawada Kyoto University Makoto Tsubota Osaka City University Tomohiro Ueno Kyoto University Others, including students

Major Topics – Talks and Posters Superfluid 3 He Superfluid 4 He Quantum Crystals and Supersolid Vortices and Turbulence Cold Atoms Normal Liquid 3 He and 4 He Techniques Other Topics

Special Sessions Physics in Microgravity Quantum Turbulence Liquid 3 He in Aerogel Supersolid 4 He Quantum Fluids in Nanopores and Graphite Cryogenic Instrumentation

Poster Preview Excursions Superb Banquet Helpful People

Poster Preview Excursions Superb Banquet Helpful People

Plenty of Heat

Major Topics – Talks and Posters Superfluid 3 He Superfluid 4 He Quantum Crystals Vortices and Turbulence Cold Atoms Normal Liquid 3 He and 4 He Technique Other Topics Special Sessions Physics in Microgravity Quantum Turbulence Liquid 3 He in Aerogel Supersolid 4 He Quantum Fluids in Nanopores and Graphite Cryogenic Instrumentation

Vortices and Turbulence Advances in particle velocimetry to visualize vortices and turbulence in superfluids Direct images of tracer particles – what are they imaging? The use of Hydrogen, with ability to vary the particle size Electron bubbles – potential to visualize vortex lines Is the normal fluid uniform in a counterflow channel? ULT quantum turbulence observations from Lancaster Theory of a Twisted Vortex state The decay of turbulence needs more theoretical study.

Cold Atoms Creation of a Fermionic System in the unitary regime of the BCS-BEC crossover. Optical lattices make a bridge between atomic and solid state physics Feshbach resonances continue to offer possibilities Weak-Link dymanics/coherence for cold atom collections Questions about the physics of Fermions with unbalanced spin populations are open. The Gross-Pitaevskii equation remains important – It is remarkable how useful this equation is.

Supersolids Robust observations in behavior for all the Penn State torsional oscillator experiments. Very consistent and stable results over many samples in several geometries; wide pressure range. Complete absence of clear positive results by any other technique: pressure-driven flow transverse sound 4 th sound But: rotating cryostat – may be showing something high frequency, low amplitude sound resonances Paris melting curve experiment – and the grain boundary interpretation, consistent with those experiments.

More on Supersolids Some important questions: Is the reported interpretation of a critical velocity really a critical velocity? Or, is it a critical amplitude or acceleration? Is the grain boundary interpretation relevant to experiments at higher pressure? What will torsional oscillator results be like when samples are grown be techniques other than blocked capillary? What role does annealing play? What is the role of disorder in the solid? Why does the NCRI have such an abrupt corner at low temperature? What is the real role of 3 He?

Superfluid 3 He Interplay between Andreev statets at a surface and the superfluid 3 He collective modes Acoustic experiments – both longitudinal and transverse Key question: What is the nature of the A-like phase of superfluid 3 He in Aerogel? How does anisotropy in Aerogel effect superfluid 3 He? Behavior of the PCP is not agreed on. Sample-dependent texture of the order parameter.

Confined Geometry – other than Aerogel Quantum criticality in 2-D 3 He films Behavior of 3 He in two dimensions Low dimensional behavior in nanopores – two perspectives: (1)1-D physics in the pores, (2) Adsorption phenomena, e.g. on nanotube bundles Quantum phase transitions in porous media

Other interesting results Visualization of magnetic domains in U2D2 3 He. Optical modes in solid 4 He Phase synchronization in aperture arrays; potential for High precision gyroscopes. Behavior of the phase near Lambda transition (SOC). Electric induction in He II counterflow.

Other interesting results Visualization of magnetic domains in U2D2 3 He. Phase synchronization in aperture arrays; potential for High precision gyroscopes. Behavior of the phase near Lambda transition (SOC). Electric induction in He II counterflow. The connection between 3 He and the early universe. And, many, many others.

The field is remarkably vibrant and stimulating! New advances will be forthcoming Superfluid 3 He Superfluid 4 He Quantum Crystals Vortices and Turbulence Cold Atoms

This conference has been an exceptional gathering – Kind and helpful hosts. A beautiful city of history and culture. Fine and convenient local meeting rooms. Many colleagues, old and new. Most important: Excellent and exciting physics, with very stimulating conversations.

Short personal thankyou: Tomohiro Ueno Keiya Shirahama Harry Kojima Takao Mizusaki

The Conference Committee Conference Takao Mizusaki Co-Chair Kyoto University Akira Matsubara Co-Chair Kyoto University Program Yuichi Okuda (chair) Tokyo Tech. Katsuhiko Nagai Hiroshima University Hiroshi Fukuyama University of Tokyo Publication Osamu Ishikawa Osaka City University Toshikazu Arai Kyoto University Akira Fukuda Kyoto University Kohji Fukuda Kyoto University Yutaka Sasaki Kyoto University Anju Sawada Kyoto University Makoto Tsubota Osaka City University Tomohiro Ueno Kyoto University

Next meetings: Kazan – QFS2007 Amsterdam – LT ??? – QFS2009 To find information on any QFS or LT conference: Go to the web and to Google and type “QFS98” Includes guidelines for those who may wish to host at QFS meeting.

Conference summary prepared and delivered by: Bob Hallock, Univ. of Mass. August 6, 2006.