Programmable Networks SPEEDUP Workshop: Programmable Networks Richard Gold Dr. Georg Carle GMD FOKUS - Competence Center GloNe and Technical University Berlin
Overview Past –BANG Project: collaboration with Hitachi Japan Programmable Router (GR2000) Mobile Agent Platform Present –Policy-based Routing Making intelligent routing decisions Future –Overlay Networks Self-deploying Networks
FOKUS/Hitachi Key Technolgies Advanced Active Network Platform –Intelligent Mobile Agent Platform –Enhanced ORB Platform with Resource Control Framework (RCF) –Enhanced Network Support: Active QoS Control Modules (DiffServ, Meter access, Multicast Mediation) Applications –Video streaming (partial ‘hard’ reservation plus filtering) –VPN (policy, QoS, metering) –Multimedia Conferencing (QoS, multicast) –VoIP: association of call-setup signaling, QoS [DiffServ, adaptivity], multicast, metering –End-to-End QoS using IntServ and DiffServ –Active Firewalling
Active Node Architecture Forwarding function (point-to-point, multicast), bandwidth, delay,jitter, info. loss + ANSP Services Open IP Router APIs Active Router (PC) SNMP Intelligent Mobile Agent Platform Services Lightweight Basis ORB - Compact ORB Active Node Facilities (Resource Abstraction Provisioning, Partitioning, Configuration, Management, Security etc.) Enhanced ORB (Real-time & Multicast) API s Distributed Processing Environment (DPE) Active Node Software Platform -ANSP MIB Wrapper Distributed Applications’ Components -IMAs Router Interface Extension Transmission (Network Interface - NIF) Switching / Multiplexing GR 2000 Router Native Computing Environment Router Ctrl Interface within router router control via MIB (ex.Qos-) Hardware Packet Forwarder WP 1.1 Programmmable Router API EE Execution Environment
GR2k GR2k C-Interface GR2k Java-Interface Mobile Agent Platf. AN platform Active Applications Execution Environment … Component Installation Host Manager CCM L - V U P1520 Interfaces => Needed Modules for IP QoS support QoS Active Node Architecture GR 2000 QoS Configuration Filter Configuration Mob. Agent Exten. for AN Enhanced ORB
AN Platform –active host software –code download –runs the host manager Components –small programs managing the GR2000 –installed by mobile agents Host Manager –manages the installation, execution and de-installation of components Execution Environments –Sandbox for components MA Active Node Architecture
Mobile Agent Platf. Enhanced ORB GR2k GR2k C-Interface Netlink Sockets (Linux QoS) Applications CCM L - V U L + RSVPd (legacy) DiffServ Kernel NIC AN platform Active Programs Extended Active Networking Platform: Needed Modules for Active IP QoS Control Active Node Architecture Mob. Agent Exten. for AN
Programmability Active code programs using standardized interfaces (additionally to direct access to the router via the GR2k Java/C interfaces) Interface modules: –Multicast: Membership management (IETF IDMR WG) Mediation (IETF MALLOC WG) –QoS:RSVP (RSVP-API, Traffic Control Interface), DiffServ functionality (Traffic Control Interface, Bandwidth Brokers) –Metering: Access to IP Meter for active applications
Value-Added IP Active Network Nodes (Active Router, Active Communication Server) Value-Added IP Service Creation: high-level services (IP Telephony, VPN) require association of several basic IP services Three level architecture (active [U], programmable [L+], fixed part [L-]) reflects performance vs. flexibility tradeoff Code distribution: Mobile Agent and DPE platforms Distinction between node-local and network-wide functionality => Extended network view for active application development and deployment Transition to a programmable/active network: partial AN deployment with full end-to-end QoS support Architecture supports legacy software architectures: RSVP implementations, DiffServ on Linux implementation BANG Key Features
Video on Demand (partial ‘hard’ reservation plus filtering) VPN (policy, QoS [reservation], metering) Multimedia Conferencing (QoS [reservation], multicast) VoIP / IP Telephony: association of call-setup signaling, QoS [DiffServ, adaptivity], multicast, metering End-to-End QoS using IntServ and DiffServ Active Firewalling: Fast reactions against attacks Service Creation Examples
Active Applications: Service Creation Creation of high-level services (Telephony) require association of several basic IP services Significant performance gains can be achieved when basic IP services are employed in a coordinated way
TIP Lab Private IP Network VGA switch / Monitor Active Internet Lab Twisted pair Fiber/POS Beamer GR2000 Master PC Client PC Router PC Pump PC Layer PC Encoder PC tokyo sapporo Controller kobe osaka Controller kyoto yokohama Controller Router to Internet VGA 100 Mbit/s 155 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s GMD FOKUS Infrastructure Network FOKUS/Hitachi Testbed at GMD Fokus “Active Internet Lab” hermes
Present: Policy-based Routing Detour Routing + Peterson’s work on end-to-end media streams Use Active Nets to deploy intelligence onto edge devices Make decisions based on metrics/policies concerning how to route a flow through the network Multiple metrics/policies allow for increased intelligence in the routing decisions that we can take Programmable Networks provide substrate for introducing informed routing decisions into the network
Present: Policy-based Routing Current Node Architecture –ANTS Active Network Execution Environment –Openet Programmable Router interface –ABONE Provides virtual topology and packet demultiplexing –Linux v2.4 Kernel & GR2000 Provide flexible routing infrastructure
Application scenario Re-routing of non-time sensitive application flows SRCPR1PR2DST Active Code Media Flow Routing Table Alterations Redirection LR1
Application Scenario Re-routing of non-time sensitive application flows SRCPR1PR2DST Media Flow Other Traffic LR1
Future: Overlay Networks Decentralized systems like Peer-to-Peer applications (Gnutella, FreeNet etc.) have scalability problems Lack of fixed infrastructure means that infrastructure must be created by the nodes of the overlay network Provide BGP-like hierarchies and route aggregation for Ad- Hoc Overlay Networks System also self-organizing: does not require static AS definitions, groups are dynamically created at runtime depending on metrics (delay, hops etc.) Scales up and down according to number of nodes in the system Related work: SOAR at UCL, Rendezvous at Washington Uni
Future: Overlay Networks Proposal: Programmable Networks allow us to make intelligent routing decisions Problem with tunnelled overlay networks is sub-optimal routing due to routing decision being based on the encapsulating packet header With Programmable Networks we can make routing decisions based upon the tunnelled packet header Application-awareness in the network is thus easy to deploy as it just consists of injecting new code onto selective active devices in the network
Conclusions Programmable Networks consist of intelligent IP router and co- located Active Network platform Combines the flexibility of Active Networks with the high- performance of a hardware-based router Past application: Active Loss Concealment (IWAN2000 paper) Currently we are building a policy-based routing system based upon Programmable Networks One future direction is the usage of Programmable Networks to steer Overlay Networks (OpenArch’01 paper)