Creighton University ALICE - USA Michael Cherney May 23, 2007
Creighton and ALICE Slow controls presentation at ALICE –September, 2001 Membership in ALICE –Offered Fall 2001 –Accepted Fall 2002 Primary Source of Funding –DOE EPSCoR
Contributions to ALICE Hardware Controls –Controls Infrastructure –ITS Alignment System Controls –EMC Hardware Controls Physics –EMC Jet Triggering Studies Christopher Anson, MS Thesis (2006) –UPC Triggering
Commitments to STAR Hardware Controls –Responsible for Controls –Moving Majority of the System from VME to PC’s –Integration of Upgrade Subsystems –On-Site Expert during Setup and Run Physics –UPC Physics Convener - Janet Seger Rho Production J/psi Production Giant Dipole Resonances –D* production in pp collisions
Commitments to Outreach Cosmic Rays –High School Students CROP Network –Introductory Students Nuclear Science Introduction –Gifted Middle School Students –Gifted High School Students –Boy Scouts
Creighton Staff Faculty –Michael Cherney (DOE summer support) –Janet Seger (DOE summer support) –Thomas McShane Permanent Staff –Jiro Fujita (Computing Support) –Brad Walters (Machinist) Postdocs –Yury Gorbunov (DOE support) –William Waggoner (DOE support)
Students Graduate Students –Kimberly Kirchner (DOE support) –Lyle Sass –Eric Watson Undergraduate Students –Abbie Bauer –Matt Brnicky –Jennie Burns –Joseph Butterworth (DOE support) –Robert Thomen –Kristen Wakin (DOE summer support)
Expected Changes in Funding EPSCoR funding will end in December Expected changes in manpower –Currently 2 postdocs (2.0 grant-funded FTE) –Expected 1 postdoc (1.0 grant-funded FTE) and 1 permanent staff (0.2 university-funded FTE) Reduction in outreach effort Keep research efforts at same level
Projected Effort Current Distribution of Effort –STAR4.1 FTE –ALICE1.8 FTE –Outreach1.9 FTE Proposed Distribution of Effort –STAR4.1 FTE –ALICE1.8 FTE –Outreach1.1 FTE
UPC Physics at ALICE Field is Lorentz contracted GSI = 1electrons RHIC = 200rhos LHC = 5500heavy flavors Much larger energy density u = ½ 0 E 2 Production is limited by coherence Some more massive particles Many less massive particles Experiment is leading theory Joackim Nystrand
J/ mass spectrum from a month of running at ALICE J/psi Production in UPC’s Full ALICE simulation done Trigger studies presented at October ALICE meeting J/ mass spectrum from a month of running at STAR Preliminary Inv. Mass EMC has value in tagging electrons
UPC measurements of Rho cross section as a function of energy –Expected to be 10x greater than at RHIC incoherent vs. coherent production Straight forward Day 1 measurement which does not require pid Comes almost “at no cost” as background in other measurements
Upsilon Production in UPC’s Simulated Reconstruction of Muon Signal Simulated Reconstruction of Electron Signal Simulated Reconstruction of TPC Acceptance for Electrons Simulated Reconstruction of TPC Acceptance for Muons
Slow Controls for ITS Laser Alignment System –With The Ohio State University
EMC Controls
EMC Control – High Voltage Test System at CERN (Summer 2006)
EMC Controls - RCU Test System at BNL (Summer 2006)
EMC Controls - Temperature Test System at Creighton
Summary Returning to Pre-EPSCoR Funding Seeking Blessing for Continuing Present Program –Controls –Ultra-Peripheral Collisions Seeking Blessing for Continuing Present Division of Experimental Effort –STAR (70% of experimental work) –ALICE (30% of experimental work) –Outreach will be impacted