EtMiss with Minimum Bias N. Davidson A. Phan G. Atkinson The University of Melbourne
EtMiss In Minimum Bias 14TeV Sample: AANT produced by N. Kanaya. CSC sample RDOs produced with Athena Reconstructed with Athena 25,000 events 900GeV Sample: CSC sample Athena 30,000 events. (9 x 10^-8 pb^-1 integrated luminosity)
Ex and Ey components Gaussians were fit to the x and y components to measure the resolution. MET_Final vs Object:
EtMiss Range Very little true missing energy in minimum bias events MET_Final, MET_RefFinal and Object MET give similar results.
Components of EtMiss for Min Bias Useful to see what contributes to EtMiss for minbias. Corrected Topoclusters (for Final), Cells outside of objects (for RefFinal).
EtSum Range Up to 300GeV? Different Algorithms give comparable results
Ex(y) Resolution vs. EtSum Results similar to TDR for fit to : sigma = p0 *sqrt(EtSum) MET_FinalRef MET_Final
EtMiss at 900GeV Resolution of Ex(y) components: Fit component to gaussian gives sigma: Fit to const*sqrt(EtSum) gives const:
EtMiss at 900GeV EtMiss Range and Performance
EtMiss at 900GeV EtSum Range