Objective: To express personal preferences
You do many different things every day. What things make you happy? On my signal, you will turn and talk to your partner to complete the following sentence. I’m happy when I __________________________.
Objective: To participate in a song; to innovate on a song’s lyrics We are going to look at the song If Your Happy And You Know It again today. Last time we changed the verses to make a new song. Today we are going to make a verse about the story we read this week, “The Van.” The first time we will sing the song the right way. On the second time we will change the verses.
If your happy and you know it, Clap your hands (Clap, Clap.) If your happy and you know it, Clap your hands (Clap, Clap.) If your happy and you know it, Then you really ought to show it. If your happy and you know it, Clap your hands (Clap, Clap.)
If your happy and you know it, Toot your horn (Toot, Toot.) If your happy and you know it, Toot your horn (Toot, Toot.) If your happy and you know it, Then you really ought to show it. If your happy and you know it, Toot your horn (Toot, Toot.)
Objective: To read high frequency words help in now too the look
Objective: To segment onsets and rimes Today we are going to break apart some words. When you break the words apart you hear the different sounds that are in each word. I will tell you some words and I want you to tell me the beginning sound by breaking it away from the rest of the word. For example if I had the word mop, I would break it apart and get the beginning sound by saying m…op.
bed b…ed cat c…at dig d…ig game g…ame hip h…ip sick s…ick
Let’s try a few more: can c…an tooth t…ooth hop h…op log l…og left l…eft coast c…oast
Objective: To read words with the phonograms –ap and –at; to use common spelling patterns to read words Today we are going to talk about phonograms. Phonograms are sounds in words that are the same. They could also be called word families. We are going to look at the phonograms –ap and–at
apat taphat lapmat napsat gapcat
Let’s change some words and we will see if the spelling at the end changes. ran change /r/ to /v/ = van sack change /s/ to /t/ = tack bag change /b/ to /s/ = sag last change /l/ to /f/ = fast
Read the words in red My cat sat in my lap. My cat had a nap. Look at Pat. Pat has a bat. Nat has a map. Nat can tap the map.
Objective: To use /a/ a and other known letter-sounds to read words hat had sad sat bat bag
hat had sad sat bat bag at can help now
Objective: To read high frequency words in too no
Objective: To use prior knowledge and selection information to make predictions Remember when we make predictions we try to determine what comes next in a story. We can look at the title, words and illustrations to help us with making our predictions. You can also make predictions about a story by using what you know from real life.
Objective: To develop robust vocabulary to describe ideas cram solution strategy
cram When you cram many things into something, you fill it with too much.
(Turn and Talk) – What are some things that you might cram into your closet? (Choral Response) – What might happen if you tried to cram too much into a plastic bag?
solution If you have a solution to a problem, you know how to fix it. You have an answer.
(Choral Response) – Do you think finding the solution to a math problem is easy? (Turn and Talk) – If you and a friend had an argument, would you be happy to find a solution?
strategy If you have a strategy for something, you have a plan.
(Turn and Talk) – Describe a strategy for keeping your room clean. (Choral Response) – Do you think a soccer has a strategy for winning a game?
Objective: To understand word order in sentences; to use knowledge of the basic rules of capitalization and punctuation Let’s see if we can put these sentences in the correct order. Tan my is van. Dan has of hats a bag. I like my cat. I Pat see. Max had a nap.
My van is tan. Dan has a bag of hats. I like my cat. I see Pat. Max had a nap.
Objective: To understand that a sentence is a group of words that tells a complete idea; to write a sentence How to Write Good Sentences Name who or what you are writing about. Tell something about the person or thing. Use capital letters and end marks correctly.