Crash Language1 Crash. A Graphical Animation Tool By: Mikhail Litvin Vadim Belobrovka Michael Anikin Daniel Burdeinick
Crash Language2 Project Goals Scripting language. Create graphical animations. Use OpenGL for best quality without the complexities involved. Simple java-like programming style. Intuitive, flexible and robust.
Crash Language3 Crash’s Summary Animation generator with few instructions. Crash source files with.crh extension. Source code is a sequence of statements enclosed with StartCRASH and EndCRASH.
Crash Language4 Crash syntax and semantics Supports If-Else and While constructs Semicolon is used as a separator Several primitives: int, float, color and string Supports comments of the form /* Comment */
Crash Language5 Example of a If-Else construct If ( a == 1) Then a = a + 1; Else a = a + 4; EndIf
Crash Language6 Example of a While Construct int a; a = 8 While (a < 15) Do a = a + 1; EndWhile
Crash Language7 Pipeline Crash scriptLexerParserWalker Crash EngineAnimationGL4Java
Crash Language8 Overview Crash’s Main Objects Scene Animator Path Layer Element
Crash Language9 Sample Program Element triangle(a); triangle.setColor(red); … Layer l1(1),l2(2); ellipse.setLayer(l1); triangle.setLayer(l2);
Crash Language10 Testing Procedures Phase I: independent module testing to examine basic functionality of each module, parser, lexer, walker, and graphical engine. Phase II: tested combined modules for complete functionality of language. Phase III: outside user created a script and tested different functionalities of the language for unbiased opinion.
Crash Language11 Lessons Learned and Conclusions Start early… Compiler related technologies. Careful planning and time constraints organization. Development strategy, ANTLR - LL(k) Testing, overlooked important part of the project. Should allocate more time Start small and expand from there.