A Few General Expectation for Math 1160 Students
Personal Expectations Eat healthy meals Get plenty of exercise Get a good nights sleep each night Be honest
Social Expectations Make friends with your classmates Form a study group with several of your classmates for Math 1160
For Business Majors Make this class one of your top priorities for the semester! Why? Because you need to pass this class with a “C” or better to : (1) Move onto Stat 2160 (Business Statistics) (2) To be accepted into the Haworth College of Business
Study-to-Class Ratio: At least 4-to-1 Plan on devoting at least 4 hours to the Math 1160 outside of the class for each hour in class. Reading the textbook Outlining the sections that have been read Rewriting your class notes Making note-cards Memorizing terms, steps, and some formulas Working on problems Study group
Learn How to Study Mathematics There are many resources on how to study mathematics on the internet. Google “how to study math”. You will find a large resource for how to study mathematics.
Lectures Attend all lectures Be on time to class Stay for the whole lecture Bring textbook and calculator to lectures Bring legal pad Take notes
Recitations Bring and ask questions in recitation Communicate (both verbally and in writing) to your recitation instructor that you know the material
Note Taking Take notes in class Rewrite notes shortly after class (preferably with your study group members)
READ THE TEXTBOOK Read it slowly and carefully! You are reading for comprehension. Read each required section at least twice! Once before class (for a general overview) Then shortly after class (for total comprehension) Outline the section during the second reading! Read the examples slowly and carefully. Understand all the steps that the authors performed in the examples.
Exercises/Problems Work on a few exercises/problems, at the end of the section covered in lecture, shortly after class. – Pick a few odd exercise problems at the end of each section to attempt – All the odd exercises in the textbook have answers that are located at the end of the textbook. Turn in (or submit) assignments on time.
Keep Your Recitation Instructor Informed Let them know when you are going to be absent from a lecture or a recitation (preferably prior to the absence) Let them know when you feel that you are STARTING to struggle in the class
Quizzes You are to do the quizzes (even the take home quizzes) on your own without Clearly communicate how you solved the problems on the take home quizzes. Include steps and small comments about what you are doing.
Basics of Written Assignments and Take Home Quizzes Do your initial work on scrap paper When writing out solutions to problems for the assignment or quiz – Write neatly in pencil – Your solution should be organized – Your solution should be complete – Clearly communicate (in writing) to your instructor all of the mathematical concepts that are used to arrive at your solution