SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 3 SDPI Healthy Heart Project.


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Presentation transcript:

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 3 SDPI Healthy Heart Project

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 3 Recruitment Core Elements Target – 50 participants per year Recruitment Team Recruitment Methods/Strategies Recruitment Materials/Marketing Invitation to participate

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 3 Screening Core Elements Finding people with Diabetes –Most are using registries, RPMS Screening –Finding and testing “at risk” individuals –Community and Clinical Settings –Fingerstick BG, ADA Risk Test –OGTT for diagnosis Registry –track recruitment and screening activities

SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 3 Updates since last meeting Yearly target is a “goal” –Document efforts to try to meet goal Excel Registry –recommendations for which individuals to include – minimum vs. best practice Enrollment/Consent/HIPAA form Wide range of experience so far Next – Panel Discussion –share successful strategies for recruitment