Boost Analysis Status Matt Weaver MDI Meeting May 12, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Boost Analysis Status Matt Weaver MDI Meeting May 12, 2006

From last time… The combined fit appears to have the power to separately determine each beam’s  *s or (and?) waist offsets. Some difficulty converging at a minimum, though. Local extrema (saddle points) Used common beta,waist fit to determine initial values for 7-parameter fit. Apply to data next.

Much difficulty with fits: inaccurate error estimates highly correlated parameters  2 not much improved investigating why function does not describe the data well { detector effects in y or y’ msmt? } Some improvement by re-expressing variables

x’ (mrad) y’ (mrad)  x’ (mrad)  y’ (mrad) forward track tan

X-vtx (  m) forward track tan Y-vtx (  m) Z-vtx (mm) X-size (  m) Y-size (  m) Z-size (mm) XZ-tilt (mrad) YZ-tilt (mrad)

 * Y (mm) common  * HER  * LER  * Preliminary

Y waist offset (mm) common waist HER waist LER waist Preliminary

Remembering X  x L (  m)

 x ’ H (mrad)

d  x ’ H / dz (mrad/cm)

X-waist offset (cm) From x-x’ correlation measurement with some assumptions